


SQA exam results update

In response to today’s announcement by the Scottish Government, that down-graded results will be revised to match schools’ assessments, Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly said:   “We want all our young people to have the chance to succeed. Getting results that match their hard work is the least that pupils can expect, especially this year.

11 August 2020

£42 million funding gap for council

Estimates show that ÓûÂþɬ Council will have a funding gap of more than £42 million between 2021 and 2026. Its funding gap for next year alone, 2021/22, is estimated at nearly £6.7 million. This is before considering the financial pressures of responding to COVID-19, currently estimated at £4.0 million in 2020/21 after already identifying internal savings of £1.3 million. 

7 August 2020

Work on Waterfront begins

Preparatory work for the Helensburgh Waterfront Development site will start from Monday 10 August, and drivers are encouraged to find alternative parking options in other parts of the town. The new multi-million pound swimming pool and leisure centre will be built on the sea front, on the site behind the existing swimming pool. This initial ‘soft start’ will involve fencing off this area so that it can be set up as a safe construction site.

6 August 2020
road signs with the work scam on them

Think twice before signing up with cold callers

LOCAL residents are being warned that traders are cold calling at homes offering to carry out improvement work to the exterior of houses. ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Trading Standards team has had recent reports of tradesmen in the area offering to do the work and insisting that householders sign a contract there and then. The advice is you could end up badly out of pocket, paying over the odds for work. Policy Lead for Planning Services, Councillor David Kinniburgh, said: “Take our advice and also be aware of the law.

6 August 2020

Kerbside food waste collections to resume in Helensburgh and Lomond

Kerbside food waste collections will resume in Helensburgh and Lomond during the week beginning 17 August. You can look up the council website and see when your first collection will be. If you have a printed calendar, you can start following it again for your food waste collection dates from 17 August.

5 August 2020

Get a move on - No time to Rest on A83

The Leader of ÓûÂþɬ Council has called on the First Minister to take immediate and permanent action following yet another landslide on the Rest and Be Thankful leading to road closures and travel disruption. In her letter to the First Minister, Councillor Aileen Morton has asked the Scottish Government to make a commitment today to deliver a permanent solution after a decade of disruption.

5 August 2020

Give your views on housing in ÓûÂþɬ

Residents in ÓûÂþɬ are being asked to say what matters most to them when it comes to housing in ÓûÂþɬ. The council and its partners are preparing a new Local Housing Strategy which will set out priorities for action in the next five years (2021-26). We want to ensure the new strategy identifies issues and priorities across all types and tenures of housing and related services.

4 August 2020

Young people celebrate success

Young people and their families are celebrating success today, with the long-awaited SQA awards announced for S4, S5 and S6 qualifications. The results follow months of disruption for schools, pupils and their families which saw home learning developed and a new national assessment process introduced, as part of Scotland’s response to the threat of COVID-19. Early indications are that overall ÓûÂþɬ’s young people have overcome this disruption and secured qualifications that mean they move onto positive destinations.

4 August 2020

ÓûÂþɬ remains popular film location

ÓûÂþɬ Council is reminding people about the area’s popularity as a prime filming location, after the government announced a £500 million scheme to help kickstart film companies struggling due to Covid 19. A number of high profile film and television productions have been filmed in ÓûÂþɬ in recent years, as well as various documentaries, adverts and other productions. The area’s stunning landscape is also continuing to attract fashion photoshoots, with Urban Outfitters and Stella McCartney just two who have recently visited.

3 August 2020
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