

litter on a beach

Please be responsible for your own rubbish

As ÓûÂþɬ re-opens to tourism, and local people are getting out and about more, we are asking both our welcome visitors and residents to take care of the area and either bin their litter or take it home with them.

31 July 2020
parked cars

Please park responsibly this weekend

Visitors to Arrochar and Luss are being urged to park responsibly this weekend, following last weekend when 86 Penalty Charge Notices were served. The majority of the notices were for vehicles parked where they clearly should not be ie in disabled parking spaces, in places reserved for coaches or outwith bays.

31 July 2020

message from the Electoral Registration Office

Look out for information coming through your door about registering to vote in Scottish and UK elections.  From 3 August anybody aged 14 or over living in Scotland, with the right to remain in the UK, will be able to register to vote in UK elections. Voting ages remain the same – 16 for the Scottish Parliament and council elections and 18 for UK Parliament elections.

30 July 2020

Council congratulates MICT on new development plans

ÓûÂþɬ Council has approved planning consent for a development of four new affordable houses at Ulva Ferry, Isle of Mull, led by Mull and Iona Community Trust (MICT) working with Ulva School Community Association (USCA). Councillor David Kinniburgh, Policy Lead for Planning, Protective Services, and Licensing (PPSL), said: “ÓûÂþɬ’s future prosperity will be built on growing its population. So it’s wonderful to see a rural community take the lead in determining its future.

29 July 2020

Are you eligible for help towards your child's school meals and clothing?

Parents in ÓûÂþɬ are being invited to find out whether or not they are eligible for help towards the cost of their children’s school uniform and free school meals. Since 2015, all pupils in primaries one to three are entitled to a free school meal, however, children in primary four and above need to pay unless their parents meet the criteria set out by the Scottish Government. School clothing grants are also available for parents who get specific benefits.

28 July 2020

Oban business supported in dealing with COVID case

NHS Highland has become aware of a case of COVID-19 in a staff member from Gelato Burger Restaurant in Oban. The individual is isolating at home as per national guidelines. No other cases of illness have been reported in staff members. The national guidance for contact tracing has been followed and, following this, a number of staff members have been identified as close contacts. These close contacts have been followed up and have been advised to self-isolate for 14 days. As a precautionary measure, testing is being arranged for those identified as close contacts.

24 July 2020
Model of a ferry

Pupils bring Cowal to life in 3D

Talented youngsters from schools across Dunoon and Cowal got creative during lockdown when they were tasked with building a 3D model of their favourite place in the area. The children could make their model using any materials they had lying around their house, provided they had permission from their parent or carer.

22 July 2020
various bottles of whisky

Help for food business operators to open safely

Food businesses play a major role in ÓûÂþɬ’s economy. Many have continued to operate throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but some will be starting to open up over the coming days and weeks. To provide support for restarting business operations, the council’s Environmental Health Team has put together guidance from a range of trusted sources that will assist business to provide a COVID-secure environment for staff and customers.

22 July 2020
bicycle lane sign

£315k to help open towns safely during COVID-19

ÓûÂþɬ Council has been awarded £315,000 funding from the Spaces for People Programme, to deliver temporary infrastructure to make it safer for people who choose to walk, cycle or wheel for essential trips and exercise during Covid-19. The fund, which is administered by Sustrans and funded by Transport Scotland, will provide more space for active travel in our town centres.

16 July 2020

Helensburgh Waterfront Update - work to start in a matter of weeks

A contract to deliver the council’s £22 million pool and leisure centre for Helensburgh has been awarded to Heron Brothers Ltd. The contract will also deliver strengthened flood defences and improved public meeting space for residents and visitors.   The announcement follows a formal tender exercise run by the council to secure best value for investment in the development. Work will start on site in August 2020 with the new building opening to the public in August 2022. 

16 July 2020
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