


New bakery shopfront is ‘electrifying’

The Electric Bakery, in Montague Street, Rothesay, has been given an electrifying new look thanks to a Shopfront Grant awarded through Rothesay Townscape Heritage (Rothesay TH). Works began on site in February of this year that included:

1 October 2020

National recognition for Oban street cleaner

A street cleaner from Oban has been featured in a prestigious national photography exhibition after having his picture taken by a local photographer. David Farrell was working during lockdown when Christopher Cox from Taynuilt stopped him and asked if he could take his photo. Christopher then submitted the image to the National Portrait Gallery’s Hold Still digital exhibition, where it made the final 100 portraits from almost 32,000 entries received during the project’s six-week entry period.

25 September 2020

New council leader appointed

ÓûÂþɬ Council’s new leader is Councillor Robin Currie, councillor for Kintyre and the Islands, and Policy Lead for Housing, Roads and Infrastructure Services. He was appointed leader at today’s Council meeting, following Councillor Aileen Morton’s decision to move on from the role. Councillor Currie has served ÓûÂþɬ as a councillor for more than 30 years, in roles as wide ranging as planning and housing, and leisure, islands and roads services.

24 September 2020

Dunoon Grammar to deliver seminar to global audience

Dunoon Grammar will take to the global stage yet again when staff and pupils deliver a virtual seminar at this year’s World Education Week. The school was invited to present an hour-long piece to showcase their innovative enterprise work, and are the only school in Scotland selected to take part. World Education Week, which begins on 5 October, was established to strengthen efforts to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 of Quality Education. By combining and sharing collective experience, it is hoped that every child has a better quality of education.

24 September 2020
Ferry Brae Dunoon, after the improvement works have been done

Bookpoint building brightened up with CARS kick-start

A shopfront grant awarded through Dunoon CARS, to restore Bookpoint, in Dunoon’s Ferry Brae, has inspired owners within the building to source funding to complete the building’s facelift. Bookpoint was awarded a Shopfront grant through the Dunoon CARS project in July 2019 and on-site works began in January this year. These included: New curved glass window Replacement stallriser tiling Hand painted signage Timber repairs/ replacement to windows

23 September 2020
Luss village

Parking proposals for Luss prepared for consultation

Close collaboration between ÓûÂþɬ Council and the community of Luss means that draft Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO), aimed at managing parking and speed in and around the historic village, will be out for consultation shortly.

23 September 2020

Education professionals join forces for Equity Week

Education professionals across ÓûÂþɬ will team up with fellow educators from throughout Scotland next week, to take part in a series of digital professional learning events to increase awareness of child poverty and the impact it has on learning.

21 September 2020

For parents of pupils at Kilcreggan Primary School

Letter issued from NHS Highland for parents of pupils at Kilcreggan Primary School.  Dear Parents at Kilcreggan Primary School, The NHS Highland Health Protection Team (HPT) have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in one of the pupils at the school.

18 September 2020

Kilcreggan Outbreak Update

Kilcreggan Outbreak Update - Issued by NHS Highland The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases within the Kilcreggan community outbreak has increased to 27 cases, the vast majority are linked to a private event that took place at Cove and Kilcreggan Bowling Club on 07 September.

18 September 2020

Tradespeople wanted

We’re looking for contractors to deliver general property maintenance on Coll and Tiree.  We’re renewing our gener

17 September 2020
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