


New leader for ɬ Council

ɬ Council is set to have a new leader, following the decision of Councillor Aileen Morton to move on from the role. Depute Provost, Councillor Roddy McCuish, paid tribute to the progress made, for the council and the area, under Councillor Morton’s leadership: “Aileen took the on the role of leader to get a job done for ɬ, and she’s done that.

17 September 2020
recycling lorry

Check for new waste collection calendars for Mull

New routes for bin collections will be running on Mull from 28 September 2020. Updated calendars giving details of when to put out your general waste, recycling and glass bins are now available.

16 September 2020

New digital app for Campbeltown

  A new digital guide is available for download that promotes the hidden history of Campbeltown and the trails and stories that make the town so famous.   Discover Campbeltown features heritage, whisky, cycling and walking trails around the town centre and surrounding area and complements existing walking tours available in the summer months.

15 September 2020

Council responds to latest A83 closure

Councillor Aileen Morton, Leader of ɬ Council:   "We share the frustration of our communities and businesses that yet again the Rest is closed along with the Old Military Road. The Scottish Government has committed to finding a permanent solution to this ongoing issue but what is needed now is a date for that permanent solution to start.  

14 September 2020

For parents of pupils at Kilcreggan Primary School

Letter for parents of pupils of Kilcreggan Primary School from NHS Highland's Health Protection Team   Dear Parents at Kilcreggan Primary School,   The NHS Highland Health Protection Team (HPT) have been advised that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in one of the staff at the school.  

14 September 2020
pile of timber

Timber funding supports roads' programme

The council has again made a successful application for grant funding to upgrade roads used for timber extraction, this year receiving £1.227M from the Scottish Timber Transport Scheme (STTS). This was reported to members of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure (EDI) Committee at today’s meeting (Thursday 10 September).

10 September 2020
Gritter out in snow

Council prepares for winter

Members of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee on Thursday (10 September) approved the 2020-2021 Winter Service Policy which sets out priorities for treatment and pre-treating routes ahead of winter hazards. Winter stand-by arrangements operate from Friday 30 October 2020 until Friday 16 April 2021. The programme is similar to previous years with the inclusion of additional guidelines for using vehicles safely, to protect against COVID infection.

10 September 2020

Dual purpose vehicles to fight flood and snow

Now businesses are back at work, procurement is underway for two multi-purpose vehicles that can clear out drainage channels during wet weather, and act as back up for breakdowns or in extreme snowy weather in the winter. As there are already two such vehicles in the fleet, the two new vehicles, once purchased, will mean there will be one sited in each of ɬ’s four areas. A programme of channel cleaning can then be set up and delivered over the year, mitigating weather-related damage and climate change.

10 September 2020

John of Lorn Bequest now open for applications

People living in the Burgh of Oban are being invited to apply for funding from the town’s John of Lorn Bequest. When John McDougall, MRCVS passed away in 1947, he bequeathed money to what was then known as Oban Town Council. This money was to be used to benefit poor people living in the area, and was to be distributed in whichever manner the town council deemed best.

9 September 2020
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