

Dunoon Pier with Dunoon Presents' flags

Funding helps Dunoon BIDs support local businesses through COVID crisis

Dunoon Presents, Dunoon’s Business Improvement District (BID), has been awarded £15,500 from the Scottish Government’s BID Resilience Fund, delivered through the Scottish Towns Partnership, to provide much needed support to local companies in Dunoon.  The funding will help Dunoon Presents and partners ÓûÂþɬ Council, Dunoon Area Alliance, plus local suppliers, lead the response to the challenges facing local businesses in the wake of the pandemic crisis. This partnership approach has developed and delivered a programme of assistance that includes:

29 June 2020

Flexibility and partnership key to council’s COVID-19 response

The impact of COVID-19 on the work of ÓûÂþɬ Council was considered by the Business Continuity Committee (BCC) when it met yesterday (25 June). A report to the BCC shows that responding to the pandemic has brought considerable change for council services, employees and the support needed from the council by local communities. Putting national health guidance into practice has required changes that include: Putting face-to-face council services on hold or on-line Employees working from home rather than from council offices where possible

26 June 2020

Policy Lead thanks education staff, pupils and parents

ÓûÂþɬ Counci's Policy Lead for Education has issued a message of thanks to pupils, staff and parents as the school year comes to an end today (Friday). Councillor Yvonne McNeilly said: "As we come to the end of the school year, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our staff, pupils and parents for all their hard work, commitment and understanding over the last few months. "Lockdown is something that none of us could have prepared for and, hopefully, something that we’ll never have to experience again in our lifetime.

26 June 2020

Environmental Health team response to public requests breaks targets

The council’s Environmental Health team resolved 85% of public complaints within 20 days, exceeding its target of 80%, in the last quarter of 2019/20, the Business Continuity Committee heard on Thursday (25 June). This was across the team’s wide-ranging remit of services which include food safety, health and safety, public health, drinking water quality, licensing and registration of let accommodation, animal health and environmental protection.

25 June 2020

Business Gateway breaks target to support local businesses by almost double

ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Business Gateway provided support to 65 existing businesses in the last quarter of 2019/20. That’s almost double the target of 38 it aimed to reach in that time period. This success was reported to the council’s Business Continuity Committee on Thursday (25 June). That means by the end of the year, the Business Gateway team has supported 255 existing businesses against a target of 200.

25 June 2020

Helensburgh Waterfront Development progresses towards a 2022 opening

 ÓûÂþɬ Council is set to appoint a contractor to deliver the Helensburgh Waterfront development for public use in 2022. The council’s Business Continuity Committee today (25 June) agreed to award a multi-million pound contract to give Helensburgh a high quality swimming pool and leisure centre. The contract will also deliver strengthened flood defences for the site and improved public realm. Today’s decision follows a formal tender exercise run by the council to secure best value for investment in the development.

25 June 2020

Digital Connectivity vital for COVID-19 economic recovery

A report to ÓûÂþɬ’s Business Continuity Committee has highlighted the need for greater digital connectivity across the area to help with economic and wider recovery following the pandemic. Councillor Alastair Redman, Policy Lead for Economic Growth: “The COVID-19 pandemic has re-emphasised the critical importance of having reliable digital connectivity across ÓûÂþɬ. A reliable network has been essential for the council to continue to provide vital services.

25 June 2020

Volunteers needed

Can you spare some time to help get food to people who need it over the summer? COVID-19 is affecting us all in different ways. Some people are experiencing extreme hardship and have no means of help in accessing food. We are seeking volunteer drivers and packers to get food to where it’s needed.

25 June 2020
work on Argyll Gardens

Work begins on Dunoon Bandstand lighting project

Work has begun on the £200,000 project to upgrade the lighting, including additional performance lighting, around Dunoon bandstand. The area is currently fenced off to allow the ground works to take place. The project was delayed by COVID-19 restrictions and contractors could only work on projects deemed as essential. We would anticipate works will be complete by the Autumn. There will also be an enhanced set-up for musicians playing there, with an on-site PA system and upgraded electrical supplies.

24 June 2020

Small Isles scoops fifth Eco-Schools Flag

Small Isles Primary School has scooped its fifth Eco-Schools Green Flag. Run by Keep Scotland Beautiful, Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world and encourages young people to take positive steps to ensure that we look after our environment.  Congratulating the school, ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly said: “What a great achievement. The pupils, staff and parents should be extremely proud of themselves.

23 June 2020
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