
Work on Waterfront begins

Preparatory work for the Helensburgh Waterfront Development site will start from Monday 10 August, and drivers are encouraged to find alternative parking options in other parts of the town.

The new multi-million pound swimming pool and leisure centre will be built on the sea front, on the site behind the existing swimming pool.

This initial ‘soft start’ will involve fencing off this area so that it can be set up as a safe construction site.

This will include introducing measures that comply with national guidance on avoiding risk of COVID-19, for example putting in place a one-way site entrance and exit system, 2 metres distance markers for entering and exiting, and access for essential visitors only.

Car parking spaces on the site used for the phase 1 construction works area will be no longer available for use from Monday 10th. Access to the car parking spaces to the front of the swimming pool via the entrance to the car park at pier side of swimming pool, and the Electric Vehicle Charging points will be maintained during this phase of construction along with access, throughout all construction works, for the residents of Tower Place.

Alternative parking in the town will be available at Maitland Street, Sinclair Street, Grant Street, the multi-storey car park, Craigendoran Park and Ride and Station Road.

The £22 million project will involve construction of a high quality swimming pool and leisure centre, enhanced flood defences, car parking and public realm. Later stages of construction will include demolition of existing pool (once the new one is built).

The first phase of construction work will focus on developing flood defences and the new Leisure Building.

Councillor Gary Mulvaney, Policy Lead for Strategic Finance said:

“Work starting on site is good news, it obviously marks another step towards bringing this amazing facility to life for Helensburgh.

This is a major construction project though so inevitably, and unfortunately, there will be some disruption while work is done. We will do all we can to keep it to a minimum, and thanks in advance anyone affected for their co-operation. It will be worth it.”

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