In response to today’s , that down-graded results will be revised to match schools’ assessments, Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly said:
“We want all our young people to have the chance to succeed. Getting results that match their hard work is the least that pupils can expect, especially this year.
Our young people, their families and teachers have had so much to deal with, given the scale of change brought about by COVID-19. They all deserve their efforts to be rewarded fairly.
Our teachers know their pupils. Teachers’ assessments match the work of our individual pupils. It’s to be welcomed obviously that where necessary, grades will now be based on these informed, individual assessments.
Heart-felt congratulations go again to our young people, their families and our school communities for resilience in the face of the additional burdens this year has brought. The success you are achieving together is well deserved.”
The SQA is expected to inform schools of the revised results by Friday 21 August for schools to tell pupils.