
Keeping ɬ kids safe at Christmas


Child Protection Committees Scotland and ɬ Child Protection Committee are encouraging people to keep their eyes and ears open for vulnerable children who may be experiencing harm over the festive period.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenge for everyone, but some families will have been under more strain than others. Parents who were struggling to cope before Coronavirus may have been pushed to crisis point during this year, and the festive season can put some families under even more pressure. Sadly, some children and young people will experience neglect or abuse as a result.

Moira McKinnon, chair of ɬ Child Protection Committee, is encouraging everyone to do their bit to help keep children and young people safe from harm: “If you see or hear something that’s not right, or spot unusual behaviour from a child, talk to someone about your concerns - child protection services are always available, even at Christmas. Don’t wait if you are worried about a child; you can always get help from the council, or the police. It’s always better to say something than do nothing.”

Whether you are a child who needs help, a parent who is looking for support, or an adult who is concerned about a child’s wellbeing, there is always someone you can talk to, even at Christmas and New Year.

For more information about where to get help, visit the ɬ Child Protection Committee website: www.argyll-bute.gov.uk or call your : 01631 605517. If you are very worried about a child you should call Police Scotland on 101, or if a child is in immediate danger please call 999. 

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