

Blairmore Village Trust

ÓûÂþɬ success at Beautiful Scotland Awards

Four ÓûÂþɬ projects scooped prizes at the 2018 Beautiful Scotland Awards, organised by environmental charity, Keep Scotland Beautiful. Of course, we are blessed with amazing beauty spots and remarkable views all over ÓûÂþɬ, but hats off to these groups for earning national recognition for their effort!

7 September 2018

Waste strategy to reduce landfill

Councillors on the Environment, Development and Infrastructure committee agreed on 6 September 2018 that we need a waste strategy for ÓûÂþɬ that meets government regulations, finds ways of exploring commercial opportunities from waste, and encourages and supports closer working with third sector organisations and businesses. Top priority will be preventing waste in the first place, followed by re-use, recycling and recovery. The last resort will be waste going to disposal.

6 September 2018

Community integration fund now open

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust Local Grants and Digital Development programme, which provides funding for projects bringing civilian and armed forces communities together, will be open for applications until 30 September. In line with the guidance for applicants, if you would like feedback on your application first, you can send it to the ÓûÂþɬ Local Covenant Partnership for consideration at its next meeting on 14 September.

4 September 2018

Young people on successful pathway in ÓûÂþɬ are above national average

ÓûÂþɬ Council has welcomed figures released this week which show that the number of young people in the area who are on the path to sustainable employment is well above the national average. Participation measure figures, released by Skills Development Scotland, show that 94.2% of young people in ÓûÂþɬ aged between 16 and 19 are currently in employment, education or training – the national average being 91.8%. This means ÓûÂþɬ is in the top 8 of 32 local authority areas.

4 September 2018

EnviroKirn AG perks up prom with help from council

A voluntary group is making the seafront at Kirn more welcoming and comfortable for the community and visitors thanks to the enthusiasm of local volunteers, organisations and funding from the council’s Sustainable Community Initiative Fund. EnviroKirn Action Group was founded in 2001 and is now a charity. It funds its project work through an annual appeal and sourcing grants.

3 September 2018

Head of Education puts ÓûÂþɬ on the map

ÓûÂþɬ was represented at an international conference in America earlier this month, when the Council’s Head of Education for Lifelong Learning and Support/Chief Education Officer flew to Montana to attend the International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education (ISFIRE). Anne Paterson funded the trip herself and made the 8,000 mile round journey to take part in the conference, which this year focussed on Communities and Partnerships: Strengthening Rural Education.

29 August 2018

Liaison Partners to shine light on islands' challenges and opportunities

The council’s Argyll Islands Strategic Group has welcomed a pilot initiative that will see five Scottish Government employees volunteering as ‘Island Liaison Partners’ to improve the Scottish Government’s understanding of the specific challenges facing ÓûÂþɬ’s islands. The role of the Island Liaison Partners will be to build knowledge, understanding and relationships with communities and local partners on the islands. Specific objectives will be to:

29 August 2018

More backing for ÓûÂþɬ’s Rural Growth Deal

The case for ÓûÂþɬ’s Rural Growth Deal has had a further boost following the latest ‘very positive’ discussions with the UK Government.  ÓûÂþɬ Council leader, Councillor Aileen Morton, met with David Mundell, Secretary of State for Scotland, in Lochgilphead on Tuesday, August 28.  Mr Mundell had travelled to ÓûÂþɬ for the latest in the council’s series of high-level meetings with both the Scottish and UK governments, making the case for additional investment in the area.

29 August 2018

Could you help a child?

Could you offer a child a home in a secure, loving environment? If so, ÓûÂþɬ Council is looking for you to come forward and apply to become a foster carer. There are currently a number of young people looking for foster carers in ÓûÂþɬ, either on a temporary basis while plans are made for their future, or for an extended period if they are unable to go back to their family.

24 August 2018

Council approves Annual Education Plan for ÓûÂþɬ

Education staff and pupils were praised today (Thursday) when ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Annual Education Plan was approved the Community Services Committee.   The plan has been prepared in line with the requirements of the Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000, and brings together a range of information about the work of the service for parents, pupils, staff, carers and communities.  

23 August 2018
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