
Council staff collecting for food banks again this year

While Christmas is a very happy time for many people, for others it can be difficult.

Following on from the success of last year’s food bank collections, Council employees will be giving donations for food banks across ÓûÂþɬ again this year.

Staff will be joined by pupils in a number of our schools who are coming up with their own ideas on how to generate income to purchase items for donating, helping them to learn the value of money at the same time.

Donations can be made from Monday 3rd December through to Friday 14th December, at your local council customer service point, and at Kilmory in Lochgilphead.

Food will be distributed to food banks between 19th and 21st December.  

Food that can be donated

Please avoid items packed in glass. Non-perishable items are welcome, for example:

  • Biscuits
  • Canned food (vegetables, soup, fruit etc)
  • Cereal
  • Fruit juices
  • Pasta
  • Packet mixes
  • Rice         
  • Snacks (eg granola bars/nuts/dried fruit)
  • Spices
  • Sugar
  • Tea/coffee/UHT Milk
  • Toiletry Products (inc baby items)


Food banks in ÓûÂþɬ

Members of the public are welcome to donate items by going to their local council customer service point, the Kilmory office or directly to food banks.

Please find here contact details of some food banks. We will add to this list as we become aware of any additional banks:

  • Bute Oasis Food Bank: open Mon to Sat 10-4pm, Sun 11-4pm, 6 Argyle Street, Rothesay, PA20 0AT, 01700 502272 or message through the Facebook page
  • Helensburgh and Lomond Food Bank: The British Red Cross Hall, 116 East Princes Street, 01436 671613, helensburghfoodbank@gmail.com, open Monday and Friday, 09.30am – 12 noon, and Thursday night from 5.30pm – 8.00pm
  • Hope Kitchen, Oban: 2 Soroba Road, Oban, PA34 4HU, 01631 565730, obanhopekitchen@gmail.com, open Mon, Tues and Wed 11am-6.30pm and Thurs and Fri 11am-3pm
  • Kintyre Food Bank: open Mon, Wed and Friday, 11am to 12, Unit 3, Mull of Kintyre Industrial Estate, Albyn Road, Campbeltown, PA28 6TP, 01586 552005, enquiries@kintyrefoodbank.org.uk, Faceboook = Kintyre Food Bank
  • Move on MA (Mid Argyll): c/o Dun Mor Avenue, Lochgilphead, 0777 5865993 / 01546 606218, sandyandmay@gmail.com, Facebook = Moving On - Mid Argyll


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