More than 800 affordable new homes are in the pipeline for construction over the next three years as part of the council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).
These homes are in addition to the 91 expected to be completed in 2018/19 and 75 completed in 2017/18.
The updated SHIP proposals will be presented to the Scottish Government, outlining the council’s strategic investment in affordable homes over a five-year period up to 2023/24.
We will now be working with the Government and local housing associations to deliver the homes.
Investment of £51.6m has been approved by the Government to support the programme up until the end of March 2021.
Additional investment is required to complement the Scottish Government investment and this includes a contribution from the council’s Strategic Housing Fund (SHF) of £1.9m each year for the next three years.
Councillor Robin Currie, Policy Lead Communities Housing, Islands and Gaelic, said: “To give ɬ a great future, we need to encourage people to move here, stay here and work here.
“Affordable housing is one of keys to ensuring that we can attract and retain residents and employees for local businesses.
“This ambitious programme brings lots of other benefits with it. Our SHIP delivers on so many levels, meeting local need and contributing to national targets.
“The construction sector generates investment in the local economy, which supports additional jobs, including apprenticeships. High quality housing improves health and wellbeing and adds to the many other benefit of life in Argyll.
“Last year we said we were confident we could improve on our targets. In just 12 months, our projection for the number of new homes to be built has grown by 250.”
Copies of the SHIP can be found on our website at: