

ann campbell and jenny hunter from dunoon burgh hall

Dunoon and Campbeltown projects win big at Heritage Angel Awards

Two heritage projects from ɬ are toasting success as the winners of the Scottish Heritage Angel Awards 2018 were revealed. Scooping the awards for Best Rescue of a Historic Building or Place (under £2m and over £2m respectively) were the project to rescue Dunoon Burgh Halls, which reopened in June 2017 as a community arts hub following major refurbishment, and Campbeltown Community Business Ltd, who led the project to restore the category A listed Campbeltown Picture House.

24 October 2018

New plan to support deaf and deafblind people in ɬ

A new plan to promote the use and raise awareness of British Sign Language (BSL) in ɬ has been approved by the council’s Policy and Resources Committee. The aim of the plan, which is shared by ɬ Council, Live Argyll and the Health and Social Care Partnership, is to improve access for deaf and deafblind BSL users to information and public services including healthcare and mental health support. The Joint Local BSL Plan for ɬ 2018 – 2024 sets out actions to develop use of BSL, for example.

23 October 2018

Communities light up Oban and Mull

  Festive lighting will be delivered in Oban and Tobermory by local organisations in 2018. Funding for BID4Oban and Tobermory Christmas Lights Committee (CLC) was agreed by Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee recently. BID4Oban has been allocated £9,000, to commission a suitable contractor to put up the lights, test and maintain them as well as remove them at the end of the season. It will also take on organisation of the highly anticipated ‘switch-on’ event.

22 October 2018

Life as a foster carer

  We're kicking off our fostering appeal this week to try and encourage more people in ɬ to come forward and be assessed to become foster carers. Moyra Paterson and her husband Peter both have full-time jobs and have been foster carers for six years now. We caught up with the couple to find out all about it.....  

18 October 2018

Read Dave's story

Did you know that foster carers can come from a variety of backgrounds. Our criteria covers a wide age range, as long as you are healthy; any gender; any sexual orientation; any relationship status. The most important thing is that young people are matched with people who will give them love and stability. *Dave is a single foster carer with ɬ Council. He became involved in fostering because he wanted to help make a difference to a young person’s life.

18 October 2018

Types of foster carers in ɬ

Did you know there are many types of foster carers? There are indeed those who provide young people in care with a secure, stable home throughout childhood, and if possible, up to the age of 21.

18 October 2018

Council agrees multi-million pound rural growth deal bid

ɬ Council will submit a multi-million pound funding bid to the UK and Scottish Governments that would see investment in areas as wide ranging as transport, broadband, education and market-leading business innovation. The bid comprises sixteen different projects that would bring together local and national organisations, as well as public and private sector agencies, to transform Argyll’s economy for local and national benefit. The bid was agreed at today’s special meeting of full Council.

18 October 2018

Council to urge Scottish Government action on the Rest and Be Thankful

The Leader of ɬ Council is to urge the Scottish Government to formally commit to identifying and funding a permanent solution to keep the A83, and ɬ, open for business.   Councillors unanimously agreed the action at the meeting of full Council today, in response to the impact on residents and businesses of the most recent closure of the road.   Councillor Aileen Morton, Leader of ɬ Council, said:  

18 October 2018

Tenants sought for Hermitage Park Pavilion

  Time is running out for anyone wishing to play a key role in the future of the stunning, redeveloped Hermitage Park by taking a tenancy within the new Pavilion.   Closing date for expressions of interest in the new Pavilion is 26 October 2018 at 12 noon.   This is a fantastic opportunity to get in at the beginning of an exciting venture that is part of the social and economic development of Helensburgh.

16 October 2018

Community lights up Inveraray and Lochgilphead

Festive lighting will be delivered in Inveraray and Lochgilphead, by local organisations, in 2018. Funding for Lochgilphead Festive Lights Committee and Inveraray Community Council was agreed by Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Area Committee on Wednesday (10 October). Lochgilphead Festive Lights Committee has been awarded £5,000 to project manage the set-up, commission a contractor testing, maintaining and removal of the lights as well as organising the much anticipated “switch-on” event.

15 October 2018
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