
Applications open for 2019/20 Supporting Communities Fund

The latest round of funding for the council’s Supporting Communities Fund is now open and community groups are being encouraged to submit applications for their projects.

Groups can apply for up to 100% of the total funding costs for their project or activity from ɬ Council’s Supporting Communities Fund 2019/20. The maximum award available is £2500.

The deadline for submission of completed applications is Wednesday, February 6, 2019. 

The fund is aimed at supporting community projects and helping to kick start new projects.

Councillor Robin Currie, the council’s Policy Lead for Communities, said: “There are a lot of excellent project ideas in our communities and I’m pleased that the council will once again be able to help some of those come to fruition through the Supporting Communities Fund. I’d encourage any community groups with fresh ideas to apply for funding.”

The council is particularly keen to encourage new groups with fresh ideas. Advice and support on funding is available from the Community Development Team, who can be contacted at 01436 657 647 or via email address communitydevelopment@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Application forms can be found on the website at https://tinyurl.com/supportingcommunitiesfund and if you require a hard copy or further information or guidance, contact the team.

Following a one year Participatory Budgeting pilot and a follow-up evaluation, the application form has been improved and there is opportunity to submit applications electronically. Also, projects can now apply for up to 100% of funding, and the allocation of funding will be decided by Elected Members at Local Area Committees.

There is one round of funding annually. Applications that are agreed to have met the criteria will be scored and recommendations made to the Local Area Committee for a decision to be taken in spring 2019.

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