


Roads investment continues to bring improvement

Ongoing investment in ɬ’s roads continues to show some improvements in the overall network condition. As a result, ɬ remains in the top five fastest improving Scottish Local Authorities in terms of road condition. The council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee endorsed the Annual Status and Options Report (ASOR) this week. The ASOR summarises the council’s road assets as at April 2020 and sets out future investment options to be considered.

3 December 2020

Strategy for extending support to electric vehicle usage approved

The council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee approved a new approach to encourage and support the use of electric vehicles throughout ɬ. This will help tackle climate change. The council will develop its network of electric vehicle charging points. It will seek government funding and introduce fees for the electricity used to make sure that the programme is sustainable.

3 December 2020

Council signs up to Household Recycling Charter

The council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee has endorsed Zero Waste Scotland’s Household Recycling Charter and its Code of Practice. This reinforces the council’s commitment to reducing its carbon emissions and tackling climate change. ɬ already complies with the majority of the essential requirements outlined in the charter’s Code of Practice. However, that Code of Practice is coming under review in the light of new legislation, including the Deposit Return Scheme and the Landfill Ban.

3 December 2020

Dunoon continues to build on heritage project success

A £1.9 million project to regenerate Dunoon town centre, restore its historic buildings and celebrate its culture and history has made strong progress over the past year.  The Dunoon Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (Dunoon CARS) works with property owners, providing grants to support building repairs with the aim of safeguarding historic properties and enhancing the town’s visual appearance via the use of traditional construction materials and techniques.  

1 December 2020

Rothesay Regeneration Project Continues To Build

A £2.7 million project to regenerate Rothesay’s historic buildings and assist the growth of the local economy continues to deliver strong results.   The Rothesay Townscape Heritage programme is funded by National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF), Historic Environment Scotland (HES), ɬ Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), LEADER, and through Smarter Choices Smarter Places. Two million pounds from the total fund is being made available to property owners through the offer of grant support.                           

1 December 2020

Council calls on First Minister to deliver urgent action on the A83

“At a time of unprecedented challenge, ɬ’s economic recovery demands action – now.” These were the words of Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of ɬ Council, following cross-party agreement at last week’s Council meeting, to raise the need for urgent action on the A83 with the First Minister. This follows weeks of sporadic closure of both the A83 and the Old Military Road diversion. Councillor Currie continued:

30 November 2020

Council's supporting communities fund to open in January 2021

The council’s Supporting Communities Fund will open on 11 January next year, with improvements designed to benefit applicants and communities. The Supporting Communities Fund (SCF) provides grants of potentially up to £2,500 for the voluntary sector, community councils and parent councils. The council sought feedback from previous years’ applicants, to improve the fund’s impact for local communities and the process for organisations. As a result, at its meeting today, Council agreed a number of key changes.

27 November 2020

New Provost for ɬ

Councillor David Kinniburgh is ɬ’s new Provost. His election to the role follows the sad death of Councillor Len Scoullar earlier this month. Councillor David Kinniburgh, Provost for ɬ: “It is an absolute honour to be elected as Provost although it comes in such sad circumstances following the passing of my friend and colleague Len Scoullar. Being elected as Provost is a privilege and I can assure the people of ɬ, of my commitment to this important role. ”

26 November 2020

Affordable Housing for ɬ

ɬ Council has approved a new housing strategy that sets out plans to build over 900 affordable homes over the next five years. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2021/22 – 2025 will help achieve the aims set out in the council’s Local Housing Strategy. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) covers:

26 November 2020
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