


Bin Collection

Bin collections are moving back to a 3-weekly green bin collection, and a 2 weekly recycling collection: From the week beginning 22 June If you live in Dunoon and Cowal, Mid Argyll, Tarbert, Oban and Lorn, Coll, Colonsay, Tiree, Lismore and Helensburgh and Lomond, your normal schedule for general waste and blue bins will restart during the week beginning 22 June. You will be able to check what date your bins go out for your area from 19 June. From week beginning 29 June

20 June 2022

Smalls Isles Primary achieves Green Flag Award

Huge congratulations to Small Isles Primary School on Jura on achieving its sixth Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. This is a great time to remind you that Small Isles Primary and Rosneath Primary are still appealing to members of the public to vote for them in The Keep Scotland Beautiful Pocket Garden competition at 

17 June 2022

UK first - school meals delivered by drone

Pupils in remote parts of ÓûÂþɬ could soon have their school meals delivered by drone. In a UK first, ÓûÂþɬ Council is teaming up with leading drone specialists Skyports to trial the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in delivering school meals. Flying from Oban Airport, the trial involves delivering meals freshly prepared in Park Primary School in Oban to Lochnell Primary, which is 1.5km away.

17 June 2022

Regeneration funding agreed

Councillors have approved nearly £600,000 investment in projects aimed at revitalising town centres across the area. Funding comes from the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment (PBI) Programme, and Crown Estates Fund. Projects include:

16 June 2022

Funding boost for events and festivals

The latest round of funding from the council’s Strategic Events and Festivals Fund is set to boost the return of a host of popular events across ÓûÂþɬ.   The council awarded seven major events and festivals a total of £29,800 from the fund, which was set up to support organisers in growing their events and attracting more visitors to ÓûÂþɬ.   Councillors approved funding for the following events:   Oban Winter Festival (£5,000)  Sea Change Powering Women in Film 2022 (£4,000) 

16 June 2022

Dame Emma Thompson sends heartfelt message to Dunoon Grammar

British actor and screenwriter Dame Emma Thompson has sent a heartfelt message to pupils and staff at Dunoon Grammar, congratulating them on reaching the final 10 of The T4 Education World’s Best Schools Award for Community Collaboration. In a personal video to the school, Dame Emma described the news as ‘amazing’ and said she had everything crossed for the final.

14 June 2022

Dunoon Grammar in the running for World’s Best School

Dunoon Grammar is in the running to become the World’s Best School after reaching the final 10 of The T4 Education World’s Best Schools Award for Community Collaboration. Head Teacher David Mitchell made the announcement at a special ceremony in the school this morning (Thursday) as delighted pupils, staff and guests raised the roof in celebration.

9 June 2022

Dunoon Grammar wins at Scottish Education Awards

Dunoon Grammar School is the winner of the Gaelic Education Award at this year’s Scottish Education Awards held in Glasgow today (Wednesday). The award recognises early learning and childcare settings and schools that have developed a positive culture of continuous improvement in relation to Gaelic Medium and Gaelic Learner Education.

8 June 2022

Charity donates to Lochgilphead’s Front Green transformation

A new visitor map board and community noticeboard will add to the transformation of Lochgilphead’s Front Green thanks to a £13,000 local charity donation.  The Lochgilphead Phoenix Project, supported by the Co-op Local Community Fund, is providing new community signage to help welcome visitors to the area and promote local community events. The funding is helping to create a purpose made map board, providing information about the town centre and wider area. The map will encourage visitors to explore attractions and support local businesses.

2 June 2022
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