


Be a business ambassador for ɬ

To help keep spending local, support businesses and protect jobs, businesses across ɬ are being encouraged to give their backing to the successful Scotland Loves Local card scheme.

26 July 2022

Help bring education funding to Mull

What should a new Mull school campus look like, if funding becomes available for one?  The council is asking for islanders’ views on this question, as a key part of its work to bid for Scottish Government funding for Mull. The Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) is the Scottish Government’s programme for investment in education. The council is putting together a bid for LEIP funding for a new school campus on Mull. The LEIP does not fully fund projects; if the bid is successful additional funding would have to be secured from other sources. 

21 July 2022

£700,000 Ardrishaig improvement works

Ardrishaig residents and visitors will soon enjoy a new public square, improved car parking, gardens and seating as part of improvement works due to start early September.   The works include:  

21 July 2022
Councillor John McAlpine

Councillor John McAlpine

    Leader of ɬ Council, Councillor Robin Currie said:  “We are so shocked and extremely saddened to learn of the passing of our colleague Councillor John McAlpine. John served the area as a councillor over a number of years. He wanted the best for ɬ and we will remember him fondly for his commitment to the area. Our heartfelt condolences go to John’s family at this very sad time.”

20 July 2022

Short term lets public consultation

Do you own or live near a short-term let business? ɬ Council is asking operators, residents, visitors and interested groups what they think a short term lets (STLs) licensing scheme should look like in the local area.

19 July 2022

Stay safe around blue-green algae

Please be on the lookout for blooms of potentially hazardous blue-green algae which may have developed in ɬ’s lochs and rivers during the warm weather. Where there is evidence of this, it would be sensible to avoid swimming or other water-based activities like canoeing or water skiing. Make sure that pets don’t drink or go into the water. You can find more information on our website.

18 July 2022

Public consultation - Municipal Harbour Authority in Oban.

ɬ Council has launched a consultation to gauge public opinion on draft proposals to establish a Municipal Harbour Authority in Oban that will ultimately see the local authority take responsibility for areas of the bay that are currently unmanaged. The council is already the Harbour Authority for Oban North Pier, while CMAL/CalMac and Northern Lighthouse all have responsibilities for separate areas within the bay. This will not change, however, the approaches into and out of the bay are currently unregulated

18 July 2022

DEFRA advice - avian influenza

DEFRA has advised the council of avian influenza in wild bird carcasses on Islay. DEFRA is responsible for sampling and analysis of dead birds. The council has made them aware of reports of dead birds along the Kintyre, Islay and other west coast shorelines. We will continue to do all that we as a council can do to support the area. Whilst this is low risk to public health, the council advise the public and poultry keepers to follow this DEFRA guidance: Advice for the Public

18 July 2022

Summer quiz

We're running a fun summer quiz on our Facebook page over the next few weeks but, not wanting people who don't have social media to miss out, we've added the questions and answers here on our website too. Here are the questions: 1.       Where in ɬ will you find ‘Britain’s most beautiful shortcut? 2.       ɬ is home to one of the largest permanent whirlpools on earth. Where is it?

12 July 2022

Is your child eligible for a clothing grant and free meals?

ɬ Council is inviting parents to find out whether or not they are eligible for a school clothing grant and/or free school meals for their child. All pupils in P1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are currently entitled to a free school meal as part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to roll out free school meals to all primary pupils. Until such times as all primary pupils have access to a free meal, parents can get a meal for their child during term time if they receive any of the following:

12 July 2022
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