


Candidates announced for Kintyre and the Islands by-election

Six candidates are standing for election to represent the Kintyre and the Islands ward on ÓûÂþɬ Council. The Notice of Poll (the list of election candidates) has now been published and can be found, along with a list of polling stations within the ward, on the council’s website at Notice of poll and situation of polling stations By Election 29 Sept 22 (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

30 August 2022

Council continues to develop nurturing cultures

A further ten schools in ÓûÂþɬ have achieved accreditation for their achievements in developing nurturing cultures in their school communities, bringing the total number of accredited schools in the area to 18. The accreditation is part of the Council’s, ‘Our Children, Their Nurturing Education (OCTNE) Strategy’, and aims to ensure that children and young people have the emotional support they need to thrive.

29 August 2022

Next steps agreed for ÓûÂþɬ’s education service

The council has paid tribute to the passion that exists in ÓûÂþɬ for an education service that delivers the best for all children and young people. Councillors and officers also stated the importance of working with communities in delivering change where needed, when the Community Services Committee met today. The Committee considered reports on local challenges for education, national reform and feedback to the recent education change engagement exercise.

26 August 2022

Mull residents give views on potential new school campus

Residents on Mull have been giving their views on whether or not they would support a new school campus on the island, should funding become available to build one. ÓûÂþɬ Council identified a new campus on Mull as the priority across its entire learning estate and, over the last few weeks, a series of public pre-engagement events have taken place on the island to gauge people’s opinions on a potential new school.

26 August 2022

Celebrating the achievements of ÓûÂþɬ's young people

ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Community Services Committee celebrated the successes and achievements of the area’s children and young people today when members approved the council’s Education Strategic Plan for 2022-2024. The Strategic Plan is a requirement of the Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000 and brings together a range of information about the work of the education service for parents, pupils, staff, carers and communities.

25 August 2022

Community Council Elections 2022 - have your say in local representation

Nominations are now open for Community Councils in ÓûÂþɬ. If you care about your community and want to get more involved in local life, why not consider standing for election? Community Council elections will take place in October 2022. Community Councils are voluntary organisations which are set up by statute by local authorities, but which are run by local people to act on behalf of their community. Their general role is to act as a voice for their local community.

23 August 2022

£700,000 investment for Ardrishaig

A new public square, improved car parking and additional seating are just some of the benefits Ardrishaig residents and visitors can look forward to as improvement works start from 29 August.   The Ardrishaig development works include:  

22 August 2022

Public event planned for Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme

The project team behind Campbeltown’s £15.2 million Flood Protection Scheme (FPS) are inviting local business and residents to a pop-up event to find out more about the scheme. The informal event will take place in Burnside Square on Wednesday 31 August between 3pm and 9pm, and is a great opportunity for people to go along and have a chat with representatives from ÓûÂþɬ Council, Dawson WAM and Aecom before work starts next month.

22 August 2022

By-election Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands

ÓûÂþɬ Council is holding a by-election to elect one councillor in Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands, on Thursday 29th September.  You can find more details about the election on the council website /election-kintyre-and-islands-29th-september-2022. The Kintyre and the Islands ward spans the mainland area from around Tarbert to Carradale and includes the islands of Islay, Jura, Gigha and Colonsay.  It has an electorate of just over 6,000 people.

16 August 2022

Ukrainian community events are a welcome success

ÓûÂþɬ Council teamed up with liveArgyll and ÓûÂþɬ TSI to host two successful welcome events for Ukrainian refugee families who have arrived in the area. The welcome fairs took place in Dunoon and Oban, and a large number of partner organisations and community groups attended to showcase the wide range of services and support available.  The event attracted a large number of families, all of whom received helpful information on everything from housing to benefits.

15 August 2022
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