Plans for a new school campus on Mull took a step forward today when members of ɬ Council agreed to submit a business case and funding application to the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP).
This decision follows a series of public engagement sessions on Mull over the last few weeks, to gather people’s views on what type of campus would work for the island. The sessions were well attended and overwhelming support was expressed.
Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, the Council’s Policy Lead for Education, said: “It is clear from the feedback we received at the public engagement events that people are keen for a new campus on the island and we want to work with them to make that happen.
“Submitting a bid to the LEIP doesn’t mean that it’s a done deal. We will be competing for funding against local authorities across the country and the final decision will rest with Scottish Government Ministers. Even then, the LEIP does not fully fund projects; if the bid is successful the Council will have to make a major financial commitment to the project”
“We are fortunate, however, that we have the backing of the local community and this will hopefully strengthen our submission.”
The LEIP is designed to improve the condition of the school estate by creating high quality environments for young people that support sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The Scottish Government will announce successful applications in December, after which feedback will be reported back to the Full Council in early 2023.