
Help bring education funding to Mull

What should a new Mull school campus look like, if funding becomes available for one?

 The council is asking for islanders’ views on this question, as a key part of its work to bid for Scottish Government funding for Mull.

The Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) is the Scottish Government’s programme for investment in education.

The council is putting together a bid for LEIP funding for a new school campus on Mull. The LEIP does not fully fund projects; if the bid is successful additional funding would have to be secured from other sources. 

An award of LEIP funding by the Scottish Government however would be a key first step and the council is keen to develop the bid with Mull residents’ in-put.

The council is therefore holding a series of engagement sessions on 11th August, to provide information on LEIP, and to gather views on what kind of campus would work for Mull.

The council has identified a new campus on Mull as the priority across its entire learning estate. Information about its Learning Estate Strategy will also be available.

Members of the public are invited to come along to Tobermory 2-18 school at 7pm on 11th August.

To help as many views as possible to be heard, the council is also inviting (by letter) parents/carers, and community / parent councils to separate sessions.

Arrangements are being made to involve school staff on schools’ in-service day on 11th, and pupils when they return after the summer break.

For anyone who cannot attend on 11th, the council is making arrangements for information to be available on its website, so views can also be given by email.

These sessions are being held in time to enable the council to develop the bid, with community feedback, in time to meet the deadlines set by LEIP.

Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, Policy Lead for Education said:

“There’s likely to be competition from across Scotland for LEIP funding, so we would welcome communities’ help in developing a bid that would work for Mull. Please get involved, let’s beat the competition together, and take this first step in securing funding for a new school campus on Mull.”

If the bid is successful, and if the campus goes ahead, further community consultation will be an important part in progressing this.


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