


Digital Schools Award for Kilcreggan

Kilcreggan Primary has achieved a Digital Schools Award for its work in embedding digital technology in teaching and learning. The Digital Schools Award is a national awards scheme to promote, recognise and encourage a whole school approach to the use of digital technology in schools.

5 October 2022

Consultation on future options for Burnside Square

ÓûÂþɬ Council is asking people in Kintyre for their views on the future of Burnside Square in Campbeltown. A new water storage tank is being installed under the Square in the coming months as part of the Council’s £15 million Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme. This provides an opportunity to find out how local residents and businesses would like to see the area used afterwards.

5 October 2022

Free business webinars

Business Gateway ÓûÂþɬ is offering a series of free coaching sessions throughout October and November to support you and your team – whatever stage of your business. The coaching sessions are more hands on than a normal webinar, giving you the chance to ask any questions and network with other businesses. Every business that attends will also have access to an hour’s session with the trainer. To book a place or to find out more about the coaching sessions visit   

5 October 2022

Council registrars to support Kintyre funerals

Council registrars are to provide support for funeral services in the Kintyre area as part of a new initiative to help local communities.   Councillors have approved the six-month pilot following an approach from undertakers in Kintyre about a lack of available Church of Scotland Ministers and Celebrants to conduct funerals.   The move will allow registrars based in Campbeltown, who can already officiate at marriage ceremonies and register deaths, to assist local undertakers with funeral arrangements including conducting services.  

4 October 2022
Jodie weightlifting

Oban teacher to represent Scotland in Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships

A science teacher from Oban High School has been selected to represent Scotland at this year’s Commonwealth Powerlifting Federation Championships in New Zealand. Jodie Hoey started powerlifting during lockdown and only took part in her first ever competition in January this year when she competed in the West of Scotland Championships. The 26-year-old went on to qualify for the Scottish Championships in June, before the Scottish Power Lifting Federation selected her to compete in the Commonwealth Championships in November this year in Auckland.

4 October 2022

Affordable homes approved for ÓûÂþɬ

Plans to deliver almost one thousand new affordable homes for ÓûÂþɬ over the next five years received full support at a council meeting today.   The decision to approve the plan means there is potential to deliver 247 affordable homes this year and more than 750 units in the coming years.   The proposals are set out in the latest update to the Council’s Strategic Housing Investment plan (SHIP) which outlines housing development priorities for the region for 2023/24 - 2027/28.  

30 September 2022
Oban Day Hospice

Nursing home services secured in West ÓûÂþɬ

Nursing home services will continue to be available in West ÓûÂþɬ, following an exceptional step by health and social care services, supported by the council. The HSCP (Health and Social Care Partnership) will fund the purchase of Kintyre Care Centre, currently for sale, and take over its running from HC-One. The Kintyre Care Centre is a 40 room residential nursing home, providing the only nursing care provision in Campbeltown or indeed in the west of ÓûÂþɬ.

30 September 2022

Ballot on extending Oban BID’s status confirmed

Oban could benefit from over £842,000 following a council decision to approve business proposals from the Business Improvement District (BID) in Oban for another five years. A postal ballot to approve a third term for BID4Oban will take place from 27 October to 8 December 2022.   The principle aim of the BID is to encourage businesses to invest and work together to help improve the local trading environment and boost customer and visitor numbers.  BIDs can only exist if there is support from a clear majority of local businesses in a vote.  

30 September 2022
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