Help at home and in the community
Residential care
Support for carers
Travel and Transport
Contact Social Work
Phone numbers
01546 605517 (During working hours - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
01631 566491 or 01631 569712 (Emergency standby out of hours service)
Older and disabled people can get support in their homes or community including support for household and daily life, following a spell in hospital, or in a care home. Our services are offered to people older and disabled people in our communities who are assessed against our eligibility criteria as having the greatest need of support.
If you think any of the services listed would help you or someone you care for, please contact us on 01546 605517 or by . If you are looking for advice or services for older people who do not live in ÓûÂþɬ, contact for help and advice.
You may have to pay for some services provided or arranged by the council - find out more about our charges for care services here