Everyone needs advice to allow them to make the right informed decision. In some cases, you might need more detailed advice to help resolve your problems. These could range from dealing with debt, accessing benefits, employment, legal or housing issues
If you are on a low income, have no savings and need support with the cost of food or fuel costs then the ÓûÂþɬ Flexible Food and Fuel Fund may be able to support you
Flexible Food and Fuel Fund - find out more and make an online application
Money advice and help >
If you are worrying about money, this step-by-step guide can help you to find the support you need.
Help with paying your rent >
If you are having difficulty paying your rent, you can apply for help through Discretionary Housing Payments
Welfare rights service >
For advice and support with welfare benefits
Debt and debt counselling >
If you are struggling with debt or money problems
Support for people affected by cancer
Homelessness >
If you are homeless or about to become homeless
Advice about money, family, daily life or your rights
Free and confidential advice on debt problems
Check if you are entitled to benefits
Scottish Welfare Fund >
Crisis loans if you are experiencing severe financial hardship?