Care Home services
Care homes provide 24 hour care services including support with all personal care. Weekly charges vary according to the providers rates and the rates include;
- Personal and communal accommodation,
- furniture,
- bedding,
- soft furnishings,
- heating,
- lighting,
- electricity,
- laundry (with the exception of dry cleaning),
- housekeeping and all meals and snacks.
Also included is Chiropody (N.H.S.), Community Dentistry, G.P. and District Nurse Services, Physiotherapy Services, Occupational Therapy Services, Dietician Services. Other services are usually available at a small charge and these include:-
- Visiting Hairdresser,
- Daily Papers
- Magazines and periodicals
- Private Chiropody
Individuals are responsible for purchasing replacement personal clothing and footwear and personal toiletries.
Referrals for care home services are usually made by health care professionals (GP, District Nurse, ward staff, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist), carers, carers centres or are self referrals. Referrals should be made to the local social work department. All referrals are considered and the referrer will be notified that their request has been received and acted upon
An assessment of need will be carried out by a health or social work care manager appointed to the service user and this will fully include the person requiring the service. Assessments usually include health and social care staff and the outcome of the assessment will be shared with the person requiring the service and their representative. The assessment will outline the service that is needed to support the person in a care home. Assessments include a financial assessment and benefits checks to ensure that service users are receiving the full range of benefits that they are entitled to.
Charges for Care Homes
ÓûÂþɬ Council operate a Charging Policy and the financial assessment will determine how much individuals contribute to cost of a care home placement. Personal care and nursing care is free for people aged over 65yrs and depending on the outcome of the assessment individuals may be awarded free nursing care allowance or free personal care allowance towards the cost of their care home placement.
Eligibility criteria
The council will use a combination of the Indicator of Relative Need (IORN) score and the Prioritisation of Need framework when considering of a person is eligible for a care home placement. You can find out more information about how this is done on the Care Home Eligibility Criteria page.
Care Planning and review of service
- Following an assessment of need a care plan that outlines the support required by the person and the desired outcomes from providing this support will be prepared. The Care Plan will be the basis for the delivery of the service and will be held in the service user’s room. The care provider will record at each visit the time and purpose of the intervention and any other relevant information that is necessary to ensure safe and consistent care for the service user.
- Care arrangements will be regularly reviewed by the care manager, the care provider and the service user and/or their representative. Care service arrangements will be amended if the review of service indicates that this is necessary.
If you wish to make a referral or find out more about the provision of care home services you can contact us:
- By telephone on 01546 60 5517
- In person at our Customer Service Points.
- Using our
It is the ÓûÂþɬ of ÓûÂþɬ Council and NHS Highland that as far as possible older people will be supported to remain in their own home as independently as possible for as long as possible. It is recognised that there will also be a need for some people to be looked after in a residential care home and these places will be allocated to people assessed as having the highest levels of need.
Provision of service
Services are provided either by the council’s care home services or by an authorised provider who is registered with Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (SCSWIS). Both the Council and independent providers are regulated by SCSWIS and are regularly inspected and graded by this independent regulatory body. All services commissioned by the council from private and voluntary providers are subject to stringent contract monitoring. You can read the inspection reports for care homes on the - just search for the area or premises that you are interested in.
Care Homes in ÓûÂþɬ
Name | Address and main contact | Contact Details | Area | Type |
Ardfenaig | Nan Anderson, Tarbert Road, Ardrishaig, PA31 8EP |
01546 603368 |
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay | Local Authority |
Gortanvogie | Shona Huntchison Bowmore, Isle of Islay, PA43 7JB |
01496 810 338 |
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay | Local Authority |
Eadar Glinn | Angela Webster Drummore Road, Oban, PA34 7LW |
01631 563219 |
Oban, Lorn and the Isles | Local Authority |
Tigh a Rhuda | Claire MacInnes Scarinish, Isle of Tiree, PA77 6UH |
01688 301912 |
Oban, Lorn and the Isles | Local Authority |
Struan Lodge | Caroline Rae Bencorrum Brae, Dunoon, PA23 8HU |
01369 707331 |
Bute and Cowal | Local Authority |
Thompson Court | Helen Rodgers Townhead, Rothesay, PA20 9JH |
01700 503166 |
Bute and Cowal | Local Authority |