What is dementia?
is a term used to describe various different brain disorders that have in common a loss of brain function that is usually progressive and eventually severe. There are many types of dementia. The most common are , and . You can find out more information about dementia, treatment and support on the and the websites.
If you think that you or someone you know or care for has dementia, you should contact your GP or family doctor for diagnosis.
Community Dementia Teams
The ÓûÂþɬ Community Dementia Teams support people and their carers who are living with dementia by providing a range of services including -
- support following diagnosis on how the person with dementia can self manage their symptoms and concerns,
- support with the activities of daily living such as personal care, shopping, meal preparation, budgeting or attending appointments,
- support in day care facilities in Lochgilphead, Rothesay, Dunoon and Oban,
- referral to a community nurse who specialises in dementia,
- providing information on local support groups for people with dementia and their carers.
If you are looking for more information on what services and support are available in your area, please contact your local Dementia support team on the numbers below.
The Community Dementia teams also work closely with the Occupational Therapy service to help people and their carers to continue doing as much as possible in their day to day lives. This can include advice and support, learning coping strategies, cognitive rehabilitation (i.e. aids to help memory and concentration), education about dementia, as well as the provision of Equipment and Technologies to support independent living.
Local contacts for Dementia Support
Alzheimer Scotland has 2 resource centres in ÓûÂþɬ:
The Resource Centres are there for anyone that has concerns about dementia either for themselves, family, friends or neighbours. Dementia Advisors are there to provide confidential support, advice and information.
If you would like to receive our monthly calendar of dementia friendly events. Please contact the resource centres.
Opening times: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 1.30pm
12 High Street
Oban, PA34 4BG
Tel. No: 01631 788929
E-mail: amackenzie@alzscot.org
Tel: 01631 570614 or 07554998794
Opening times: Monday - Friday 9am - 4.30pm
23 - 25 West Princes Street
Helensburgh, G84 8TF
Email: HelensburghResourceCentre@Alzscot.org
Tel: 01436 678050
HSCP Services
Social Work Department
Willowview Community Care Centre
Lower Soroba
Oban, PA34 4SB
01546 605517
Mid- Argyll Social Work Department
Mid-Argyll Community Hospital and Integrated Care Centre
Blarbuie Road
Lochgilphead, PA31 8JZ
01546 605517
Dementia Team Leader
Dochas Lodge
Dunoon, PA23 7RL
Tel. No: 01369 708716
Who's in the Dementia Teams
Dementia Project Leader – The project leaders are part of the dementia team and can be contacted through the team or your local Social Work Department. They may be involved in your assessment. They can assist with accessing a variety of services such as day care, home care, respite breaks, community alarms and offer advice on financial and legal matters.
Support Worker – Support workers are able to assist in the delivery of care packages, enabling service users to be involved in a range of activities to enhance quality of life and personal potential
Link Worker – The Link Worker is employed by Alzheimer Scotland and is a core member of the Community Dementia Team. They provide information, advice and emotional support to people with dementia, their families and the community including care homes and community hospitals.
The Link Worker can help people with dementia and families plan for the future giving practical advice at a pace that suits the individual. They can provide up to date information on financial and legal issues, driving and available support services in your area including self support and peer support groups.
Useful Telephone Numbers
Standby Social Work: 01631 566491 or 01631 569712
NHS 24: 08454 24 24 24
Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87
Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90
Advocacy Services
Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Service is firmly rooted in the communities it serves and has local advocacy support groups throughout the area. The Service is FREE, independent and confidential. An advocate’s only loyalty is to the person they are supporting.
Tel: 01546 606056
Further Reading
Library services including books, videos, leaflets and publications are available from Alzheimer Scotland or from members of the Dementia Team.
Further Reading suggestions
These include:
- ‘Facing Dementia ~ How to live well with your diagnosis’,
- ‘Coping with Dementia ~ a practical handbook for Carers’
- ‘Money & Legal Matters’