ɬ Council has announced a £600,000 boost for the local economy in Helensburgh and Lomond.
The council is investing funding, received from the Scottish Crown Estate, in projects in Helensburgh and Arrochar.
Scottish Crown Estate funding focuses on delivering benefits for coastal communities based on four key priorities: the environment, community, climate change and economic development.
Policy Lead for Business and Regeneration, Councillor Alastair Redman said:
“Supporting town centres and building on economic strengths such as tourism are drivers for economic growth. This investment supports both.”
The funding will support two initiatives:
- Helensburgh 5-7 Clyde Street refurbishment: to help secure a permanent solution for the town centre building that has caused disruption to the local community due to its current condition.
- Arrochar Car Parking: to progress buying/improving and increasing capacity of public car parks currently leased by the council, and up for sale.
Chair of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee, Councillor Barbara Morgan said:
“This is good news. These projects will improve day-to-day life and help increase the benefits of tourism for the area.”