A new plan to promote the use and raise awareness of British Sign Language (BSL) in ɬ has been approved by the council’s Policy and Resources Committee.
The aim of the plan, which is shared by ɬ Council, Live Argyll and the Health and Social Care Partnership, is to improve access for deaf and deafblind BSL users to information and public services including healthcare and mental health support.
The Joint Local BSL Plan for ɬ 2018 – 2024 sets out actions to develop use of BSL, for example.
- As part of the commitment to ensuring that children who use BSL will get the support they need at all stages of their learning, the council’s Early Years Team will work in partnership with the National Deaf Children’s Society (Scotland) to produce deaf friendly educational resources and information which can be used by parents, nurseries and health visitors.
- A pilot project will be carried out in Dunoon to create a “loop capital” which would make hearing loops available in shops/businesses in the town.
The plan was developed with input from users of BSL in ɬ, following consultation.
Councillor Rory Colville, Policy Lead for Corporate Services said: “This is ɬ Council’s first plan for promoting the use of and creating greater awareness of BSL.
“BSL is a language in its own right, with its own grammar, vocabulary and dialects and is tremendously important in enabling many of our deaf and deafblind citizens to learn, work, and make the best possible contribution to our community.”
The BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 requires public bodies in Scotland to publish local plans every six years, showing how they will promote and support BSL.
You can find out more about the Plan on the council's website: http://bit.ly/2yeYMc3