


Thank you!

Thank you to all the members of the public, Council staff and school pupils from across ÓûÂþɬ who did their bit for local communities at Christmas, by collecting food bank donations throughout the whole of December.   

29 January 2019

Win free Council Tax for a year

People in ÓûÂþɬ are being given the opportunity to win a year’s free Council Tax if they sign up to the council’s new e-billing service.   Everyone who joins the online portaland signs up for e-billing before Sunday 24 March will be entered into a prize draw to win 12 month’s free Council Tax.  

23 January 2019

Having a home carer changed Bill's life

As part of our #proudtocare campaign, we've been looking at the difference that home carers make to people's lives. Bill was only 52 when he suffered a stroke and started receiving home care...  

23 January 2019

Planning permission granted for £18million Helensburgh Waterfront Development

ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Planning Protective Services and Licensing (PPSL) Committee today approved plans for the £18million Helensburgh Waterfront Development. Councillors gave the green light to the plans which will see a new leisure centre and swimming pool opened in the town, replacing the existing facility which will be demolished.

23 January 2019
A view looking over the town to Oban Bay

Views sought on Oban Flood Study

People in Oban are being invited to have their say on their experiences and issues on flooding in the town. A second drop-in session is being held for community, offering an opportunity for local people to contribute to the future management of flooding in the area.

21 January 2019
Two gold and silver wedding rings

Have your special day in ÓûÂþɬ

Did you know that over 600 marriages are conducted by ÓûÂþɬ Council’s registrars each year? That’s almost two weddings every day. In 2002 the law changed in Scotland, allowing people to get married anywhere. Since then, the registrars in ÓûÂþɬ have seen an influx of people tying the knot in a variety of beautiful locations across the area.

18 January 2019

Moving forward at Campbeltown Grammar

Staff and pupils at Campbeltown Grammar are excited to be moving forward in their new school building and to be making positive changes in light of the recommendations made by Education Scotland in their inspection report. The head teacher, staff and pupils are looking forward to discussing the progress made when Education Scotland returns next month (March).

15 January 2019

#proudtocare - Read Jade's story

We kicked off our #proudtocare campaign on Monday to highlight how much carers matter and are valued in people’s lives, and all the different reasons people have for choosing the care sector. We asked you if experience in home care can help you get jobs in other professions?

15 January 2019

Are you eligible for home energy improvements?

People living in ÓûÂþɬ are being given the opportunity to make their homes more energy efficient as a result of the Scottish Government’s Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland: Area Based Scheme (HEEPS: ABS).

14 January 2019
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