

aerial photo of Oban

Council thanks community for sharing flood experience

  ÓûÂþɬ Council is undertaking a flood study in Oban based on mitigating flooding up to a one in 200 year return period flood event.   Two consultation events have now been held in Oban. The most recent, on 30 January, enabled local residents and businesses to share their experiences. Other key stakeholders involved in the study include SEPA, Scottish Water, Community Councils and local interest groups.  

7 March 2019

Carers gave Roslyn peace of mind

Our #proudtocare campaign is still going strong in a bid to highlight the difference that carers make to peoples' lives and promote the opportunities that a career in the care sector can provide.

4 March 2019
A photo of the Rothesay Winter Gardens

Rothesay Winter Gardens Discovery Centre reopens after renovation works

The Winter Gardens Discovery Centre in Rothesay has reopened following over £500,000 worth of renovation works. Significant external repair work was carried out at the Category A-Listed building, including replacement of roof coverings, overhaul of windows and installation of new light fittings. Additionally, metal panels and fixtures were replaced and the exterior of the building freshly decorated.

4 March 2019
A general view photo of people at the Gaelic Gathering

Gaelic Gathering hailed a great success

The second Argyll Gaelic Gathering took place at Corran Halls in Oban on Saturday (March 2). More than 60 delegates enjoyed a packed full day, with a call to increase the pace of Gaelic language development delivered by keynote speaker John Swinney MSP, the Deputy First Minister. The theme was picked up by ÓûÂþɬ and practice experts who included Shona MacLennan for Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Dr Gillian Munro for Ionad Chaluim Chille ÃŒle and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

4 March 2019

National Apps for Good hat-trick for Dunoon Grammar pupils

A group of pupils from Dunoon Grammar have scooped the top prize in a national competition for the third year running. The business and computing pupils beat off stiff competition from across Scotland when they won the Apps for Good Scotland event again, with a further two teams from Dunoon Grammar also sharing third prize.

4 March 2019
A general view photo of people at the Gaelic Gathering

Toraidhean is beachdan matha a’ tighinn bhon Chruinneachadh Ghàidhlig

Chaidh an dàrna Cruinneachadh Gàidhlig ann an Earra-Ghàidheal a chumail air Disathairne (2 Màrt)  ann an Talla a’ Chorrain san Ã’ban. Bha còrr is 60 neach an làthair airson latha air leth feumail is inntinneach,  far an robh am prìomh neach-labhairt, an Leas Phrìomh Mhinistear Iain Swinney BPA, ag iarraidh air daoine adhartas nas luaithe a dhèanamh gus piseach a thoirt air suidheachadh na Gàidhlig.

4 March 2019

Hermitage 'Hermibots' qualify for UK robotics final

A talented team of pupils from Hermitage Academy have made it through to the UK finals of the Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge.   The youngsters beat off stiff competition in the West of Scotland heat last month and will now go head to head with other teams from across the country at The Big Bang Fair in Birmingham on 15 March.  

4 March 2019

Council apprentices share their stories

This week is Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2019. As a council we are proud to run the 'Growing Our Own' scheme â€“ introducing youngsters to a professional working environment. Since 2014, ÓûÂþɬ Council has employed over 50 modern apprentices. These are some of our current modern apprentices who are working throughout various departments within the council:

1 March 2019
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