


Work begins on £200,000 improvement of Inveraray Avenue Screen

Work on £200,000 worth of improvements to the Category A-listed Avenue Screen in Inveraray is underway. The Avenue Screen’s existing render needs to be entirely removed and replaced. Weather-proofing works are also required on the screen and will be carried out as part of the contract, which is part of the council’s drive to protect Inveraray’s stunning architectural appearance following previous major repair and conservation works to a string of buildings in the town.

9 January 2019

Single Person Discount Review

ÓûÂþɬ Council is currently carrying out a review of all residents who currently receive a 25% Single Person Discount (SPD) on their council tax.   SPD is claimed when an adult is the sole adult occupant of the property. Whilst most residents who claim the discount are genuinely eligible, there are a minority who are attempting to deceive the system.  

7 January 2019

Primary one registration

Children who turn five between 1 March 2019 and 28 February 2020 should be registered for primary school during the week beginning Monday 14 January 2019. Parents should take their children to their local primary school to register during that week, between 10am and 3pm. If your child is not already receiving pre-school education in ÓûÂþɬ, you will need to bring their birth certificate with you when you register.

3 January 2019

British Empire Medal for Donnie MacMillan

  Councillor Donnie MacMillan, councillor for Mid Argyll, has been awarded the British Empire Medal for services to local government. Donnie (91) has served ÓûÂþɬ as a local councillor for nearly 35 years. Following the announcement, in this year’s New Year’s Honours List, Donnie said:

3 January 2019

Make sure 'slime' is safe to use

‘Slime’ and similar products are expected to be among the most popular children’s gifts this Christmas. If you have bought slime, or are planning to do so, please be aware that products that do not carry the ‘CE Mark’ are far more likely to be unsafe. If you have any concerns or questions about a particular product, call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or get in touch with our Trading Standards team on trading.standards@argyll-bute.gov.uk

21 December 2018

Rothesay Townscape Heritage (TH) Phase 2 project update presented to councillors

An ongoing regeneration project in Rothesay is progressing well, councillors have heard. The Rothesay Townscape Heritage (TH) Phase 2 project is a five-year heritage-led regeneration project that will allow property owners to safeguard historic buildings and shopfronts while also developing skills and hosting events celebrating the island of Bute’s heritage.

18 December 2018

Update on Helensburgh Pier

Discussions between the council, Helensburgh Seafront Development Project (HSDP) Group and Waverley Excursions will help plan for the future use of Helensburgh Pier. The 147-year-old timber pier was temporarily closed on advice by consultants Arch Henderson, who recommended that a detailed structural analysis be carried out to confirm the structural integrity of the pier. Timber testing is currently underway, by specialist contractor Evova BM TRADA, at the timber pier.

18 December 2018

Reduction in Scottish Government grant leaves council facing £9million budget gap

A reduction in the council’s annual grant announced by the Scottish Government this week has left ÓûÂþɬ Council facing a £9million budget gap for the next financial year. It is another significant cut in our funding, which is extremely disappointing. It will clearly impact on our residents and communities.

18 December 2018

A Christmas message from the Provost

It’s always lovely to feel and see things changing as Christmas gets closer – even if some might say the whole festive season gets started a little too early these days. Of course it is inescapable once television and radio adverts switch to their Christmas focus, and shops roll out their festive decorations. It’s a lovely time of year though, and we are very fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of the world where even the winter weather doesn’t take away from the scenery and feeling of community.

17 December 2018

Supporting events leading to economic success

The council’s ÓûÂþɬ and resources committee has agreed that 12 events and festivals will share £113,000 funding to help create attractions that will increase the appeal of ÓûÂþɬ as a world-class tourist destination. These include a literary event on Bute and a dance festival, as well as music festivals in Kintyre, Oban and Tiree. That funding is being made available for a portfolio of strategic events demonstrates the importance this industry has to economic development in the area.

17 December 2018
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