
News round-up 17 May 2019

Welcome to ÓûÂþɬ Council’s weekly news round-up.  Thank you for reading it. If you have ideas on how we could make it more useful for you, we’d love to hear them. Please let us know by emailing press@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Greenlight for Target road junction work

Work to improve the junction at Barmore and Garvel Roads in Tarbert will begin later this year after the council’s Policy and Resources Committee approved the plans.

The improvements to the junction were drawn up under the council’s £3million Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund and will result in it being easier for vehicles to enter and exit Garvel Road in all directions, while also improving visibility and safety at the junction.

In turn, this will make further development possible along Barmore Road, including allowing Tarbert Harbour Authority to progress their proposals for development of their land and construction of a new car park.

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Did you know?

There are more than 60 medieval castle and forts in ÓûÂþɬ, including some of the earliest examples of stone castles in Scotland. So it’s a great place for families to explore, or for history enthusiasts to soak up the ambience. #apblace2b #closerthanyouthink


Don’t forget to vote: On Thursday 23 May, the UK will take part in the European Parliamentary Elections. The council’s website has details of the candidates for the Scotland region and polling stations.

Parklands’ pupils talk hi-tech benefits: Staff and pupils from Parklands Primary School were invited to a special lunch at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow to tell guests how charity funding from SPIfox has benefitted them. The sensory room at Parklands was in need of refurbishment and, following a visit from SPIfox, the charity agreed to fully fund a complete overhaul of the room, costing more than £22,000.

No more bags for Islay and Jura recycling: From Tuesday 28 May, householders and businesses on Islay and Jura will no longer have to put recyclable material into separate plastic bags before it goes into blue bins.

: Governments from around the world are considering how best to safeguard the rapidly expanding global seaweed industry, following advice from researchers at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS).

: A major retrospective of Linda’s work, curated by her family, opens at Kelvingrove Art Gallery in July. Intimate family photos on the farm, near Campbeltown, feature alongside iconic names and moments in music.

: Live Argyll holds the archives for ÓûÂþɬ Council as well as many private records. The oldest record held is the Rothesay Charter of 1400. For genealogists, we have a family history section which is very popular, and we can help with researching the history of your local area.

New guidance for Houses in Multiple Occupation: The council’s Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee has approved new guidance to help with assessing applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) across ÓûÂþɬ.


We are preparing a feasibility and options development for the planned cycleway to link Cardross and Dumbarton and to consult on the route of the cycleway between Helensburgh and Cardross. Please tell us your views through our survey.

We are progressing the coastal flood study for Tarbert to assess future flood risk and identify solutions to address the risk. This is part of the council’s Local Flood Management Risk Plan. Please take part in our consultation by either attending our drop in event or emailing comments. More information on our website.

There are now proposals for the Campbeltown Flood Prevention Scheme, following ongoing consultations since October 2017. The plans can be viewed at the Burnet Building, Campbeltown, or on our website.

Proposals for options to reduce coastal flood risk along the frontages at Helensburgh, Craigendoran and Rhu are available to look at on our website. Detail on how to submit comments or questions are also on the website.

Tell us what you think about the draft Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for Lochgilphead Conservation Area. The plan discusses the special interest and architectural importance of the area and, once finalised, it will be used to make decisions to affect the character of the conservation area. Please give us your views.

There are proposals to designate part of Helensburgh Town Centre as a conservation area and we would like to hear your views. Read the proposals on our website and please fill in our questionnaire.

Between now and the end of September we would like to know what you think about the places you live and work. That way we can work out what is important for our communities as priority actions. Please help us by taking our survey.

We are carrying out a review of walking and cycling routes within ÓûÂþɬ and would like to hear what you think. Let us know about local issues, opportunities and priorities around walking and cycling in your area in our short survey.

The Clyde Marine Planning Partnership (CMPP) is in the process of developing a Clyde Regional Marine Plan. The CMPP have produced a pre-consultation draft Clyde Regional Marine Plan (CRMP) that addresses the local issues and pressures on the coastal and marine environment. ÓûÂþɬ Council is part of the CMPP and the plan covers the Kilbrannan Sound, Firth of Clyde, Loch Fyne and Loch Long areas. The CMPP would like you to give your views on the draft.

Work with us

We enjoy welcoming people to ÓûÂþɬ. There’s so much to see and do. There’s wildlife in abundance – who doesn’t love a cheeky red squirrel? Some spectacular architecture – St Conan’s Church or a Rennie Mackintosh house. And scenery to take your breath away – have you looked across the Mull of Kintyre towards Ireland? All this isn’t too far from Scotland’s central belt and on your doorstep if you have the privilege to live here. Jobs available at the moment include: Teaching Staff, Road Workers, Modern Apprentice, Traffic and Development Officer, Social Workers and much more.

Find out about these, and other posts, at .

For information about living and working in ÓûÂþɬ go to #closerthanyouthink

Next edition

We will issue our next news round-up on Friday 24 May 2019.

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