


BBC drama starring Martin Compston filming in Cove

Martin Compston is filming a new BBC drama in Cove, ÓûÂþɬ. The Nest will be filmed at a house called Cape Cove on the shore of Loch Long. A wealthy couple and a teenage girl make a pact that will change all of their lives forever, in a new five-part drama from Bafta and RTS Award-winning writer Nicole Taylor.

30 August 2019

Easdale Ferry crew rescue stricken kayakers

The ÓûÂþɬ Council-operated Easdale Ferry ML Fladda rescued two kayakers from treacherous waters in the Sound of Insh this afternoon. Members of the public are being urged to take care and pay close attention to the conditions after today’s rescue, which took place at 12.30pm. The ferry crew responded to a visual sighting of two kayakers in difficulty and the alarm was raised, with the kayakers located around a mile north of Easdale. One kayak had capsized, with the paddler losing the vessel and holding on to the other occupied kayak.

30 August 2019

Positive progress in 1140 hours childcare

Significant changes have taken place in schools and nurseries across ÓûÂþɬ over the summer holidays, as the council prepared to roll out 1140 hours fully funded childcare provision to more areas.   The expansion in childcare, from 600 hours to 1140 hours, is part of a Scottish Government initiative aimed at providing young people with a high quality experience that can make a significant contribution to their development, and help close the poverty related attainment gap.  

28 August 2019


Tha atharrachaidhean mòra air tachairt ann an sgoiltean is sgoiltean-àraich ann an Earra Ghàidheal is Bòid tro shaor-làithean an t-samhraidh agus a’ Chomhairle ag ullachadh airson 1140 uair de chùram-chloinne làn-mhaoinichte a chur an sàs ann an tuilleadh sgìrean. Tha leudachadh cùraim-chloinne bho 600 uair gu 1140 uair mar phàirt de dh’iomairt Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson cùram aig ìre àrd a thoirt do dhaoine òga agus cuiridh e gu mòr ri an cuid àraich agus ri dùnadh a’ bheàrn coileanais co-cheangailte ri bochdainn.

28 August 2019

Locations chosen to promote Bute

Three locations on Bute have been chosen to promote the island as part of the Choose Bute, Love Bute campaign. Port Bannatyne, Scarrel Shore and Mount Stuart were selected from suggestions made by members of the public as favourite spots on Bute.  From the bustle of a marina and the peace and awe-inspiring views from the beach, to the majesty and innovation of a stately home, the council will feature these locations in promotional photos of Bute

23 August 2019

Cabinet Secretary impressed by Council’s Rural Growth Deal plans

Council leader Councillor Aileen Morton met with Scottish Government Minister Michael Matheson MSP to discuss ÓûÂþɬ’s drive for a Rural Growth Deal. The meeting took place at Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre, where ÓûÂþɬ Council Chief Executive Cleland Sneddon and Executive Director Pippa Milne were also in attendance.

23 August 2019

Oban traffic monitoring

Traffic in Oban will be monitored over the next seven days, as part of a study being commissioned by the council to look at ways to reduce congestion in the town centre.   

22 August 2019

Pupils have a say on their school meals

Pupils from across ÓûÂþɬ will continue to have an active say on what is on their school menus this session. The primary school meal menu is revised twice a year in consultation with the children through a number of pupil focus groups.

21 August 2019

Scottish Marine Industry Training Centre plans get £100,000 boost

Proposals for a new Scottish Marine Industry Training Centre in Oban have been boosted by an investment of £105,000 from ÓûÂþɬ Council. Should proposals for the £7million project come to fruition, the Scottish Marine Industry Training Centre would be a world-class marine and maritime facility – Scotland’s hub for vocational training and academic study of this growing field – while also supporting the industry through continuing professional development and mandatory training courses.

19 August 2019

Council seeks your views on Food Growing Strategy

UPDATE 2 September 2019: The consultation is now open and can be found here /consultations/argyll-and-butes-community-food-growing-strategy-consultation A new council strategy which aims to encourage and enable people who wish to grow their own food is to go out for public consultation.

16 August 2019
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