


N is for noise

The council’s Regulatory Services team sometimes receives complaints about neighbourhood noise. This can be anything from dogs barking and frequent late night parties, to noise from pubs and televisions turned up too loud.

25 July 2019

Dunbeg development visited by Housing Minister

The biggest single social housing development in ɬ for decades was given the thumbs up by the Housing Minister this week. Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning, visited Dunbeg to see the completed Kirk Road and Dunbeg phase 3 development that is under construction. He met with council officers, elected members, and housing association and contractor representatives.

25 July 2019

Four-year contract agreed for Coll, Colonsay and Tiree air services

Subsidised air services from Oban to Coll, Colonsay and Tiree have been secured for the next four years after ɬ Council awarded a new contract to Hebridean Air. It follows the announcement in May that an agreement had been reached with Hebridean Air Services Limited to continue to operate the flights on a temporary basis, while the council carried out a procurement process for a new four-year contract.

25 July 2019

L is for licences

Did you know that the council deals with licences for a variety of things? From driving a taxi, busking and erecting scaffolding to selling alcohol, running a pet shop and window cleaning. Susan Mair is the council’s Legal Manager. Talking about taxi operator licences in ɬ, she said: “Before anyone becomes a taxi driver there are a number of requirements that must be met. Our priority is to ensure that all these are in place before the applicat...ion is considered.

23 July 2019

K is for Kitchen Skills

We've now entered week three of our A to Z of council services and what better way to start it than by paying tribute to our hardworking catering staff. Our primary schools menu is revised twice a year and is designed in consultation with the children through pupil focus groups. This helps to ensure they have a say in the menu choices and get an understanding of the importance of having a balanced diet.

22 July 2019

I is for icy conditions

ɬ Council’s gritter drivers cover a total of 1,430 miles of roads during the cold winter months in order to keep motorists safe using both ploughs and salt spreaders. The Council is responsible for in excess of 1400 miles of local roads in ɬ with BEAR Scotland maintaining the trunk roads on behalf of Transport Scotland.

19 July 2019

J is for journey planning

Did you know that our roads, communications and web teams work in partnership to provide you with the latest travel information for ɬ? The council website has a dedicated section with links to a variety of sources which will tell you about any current/planned road works in the area, travel and weather disruptions, road closures, and links to the area’s road cameras to enable you to see current road conditions. This information is also posted on our Weathering the Storm Facebook page and service disruptions can be heard over the phone by dialling 01546 60404040.

19 July 2019
different food stuffs

Supporting Getting Good Food to Good Causes

  FareShare is a charity that works to ‘fight hunger and food waste’ by distributing food that would otherwise go to waste. It works in towns and cities across the UK. ɬ Council, with the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), is gathering information to help FareShare support organisations in ɬ to distribute food.

18 July 2019

Promoting Bute

What location on Bute best promotes the island as a great place to live and work? ɬ Council is planning to commission photos to promote Bute and is asking local people for their views on which locations best represent the island. The photos form one element of the ‘Choose Bute, Love Bute’ campaign, due to be launched in August. The campaign is part of the council’s work to address ɬ’s falling population, by showcasing the area as a great place to live and work.

17 July 2019

Are you making the most of the council website?

Did you know that ɬ Council’s website not only contains lots of useful information for residents, businesses and visitors; it also offers a huge range of online services that make connecting with the council quick and convenient. By logging on to the website you can now make secure online payments at any time of the day or night using the online “Pay It” service for:  Council Tax School meals Parking tickets

17 July 2019
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