


Proposed Local Development Plan agreed by council

Planning and development proposals for 2020 to 2030 in ɬ have been set out in the council’s latest proposed Local Development Plan. Councillors at this week’s meeting of the full council approved the proposed Local Development Plan 2, and it will now go out for an eight-week public consultation later this year.

26 September 2019

Council agrees action on climate change

ɬ Council has today established a Climate Change Environmental Action Group to support the ongoing national and international response to climate challenges. With the issue of climate change causing grave concern around the world, the council recognises that everyone has a duty to take whatever action they can to make a difference. ɬ Council has already undertaken work to reduce its carbon footprint and protect the environment, and the area currently has the lowest rate of CO2 emissions per head of population in the UK.

26 September 2019

Over 900 affordable homes in the pipeline

Over 900 new affordable homes look set to be built in ɬ over the next five years as part of the council’s revised Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP). These properties are in addition to the 192 homes already completed since 2017 and the 161 that are expected to be finished by April next year. The updated SHIP proposals were approved at today’s meeting of ɬ Council and will now go forward to the Scottish Government for consideration, outlining the council’s strategic investment in affordable homes over a five-year period, up to 2024/25.

26 September 2019

Carina returns home to teach

Carina Taylor hails from Dunoon and, despite leaving the town to work and study in Glasgow, she has returned to her hometown to teach at Kirn Primary School. “I always knew I wanted to come back to Dunoon to be close to my family, but also to have the community feeling that I missed in Glasgow,” she said. “ɬ is a place where you feel part of something that is not just school wide but community wide.  I knew that I wanted to bring up my two children here.

25 September 2019

Dà phròiseact air geàrr-liosta nan duaisean cliùiteach Quality Improvement Awards

Tha dà phròiseact ann an Earra Ghàidheal is Bòd air àite a chosnadh am-bliadhna air geàrr-liosta nan duaisean cliùiteach Quality Improvement Awards. ThaQuality Improvement Faculty aig Comhairle Earra Ghàidheal is Bhòid agus NHS na Gàidhealtachd air ainmeachadh air geàrr-liosta na duais Toraidhean a rèir Sgèile, agus a’ bhuidheann ɬ GIRFEC/Quality Improvement air àite fhaighinn air an liosta airson Duais Sgioba le a dhòigh-obrach mu choinneimh Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC).

23 September 2019

CEO Cleland Sneddon heading for pastures new

ɬ Council CEO Cleland Sneddon is moving on to a new role. We are disappointed to lose Cleland after almost 10 years of dedicated service to the people of ɬ. He moves on to South Lanarkshire Council with our very best wishes and thanks for his work. The search for a new Chief Executive Officer for ɬ Council is underway. ---

23 September 2019

Suspected blue-green algae at Loch Lomond

We have received reports of suspected blue-green algae at the foreshore around the Lodge on the Loch area at Luss, Loch Lomond. Please be vigilant and check whether there are signs of blue-green algae growth in the water or around the shoreline. Where there is evidence of this, it would be sensible to avoid swimming or other water-based activities like canoeing or water skiing. Make sure that pets don’t drink or enter the water. Further advice is available on our website.

20 September 2019

Two projects shortlisted for prestigious Quality Improvement Awards

Two projects in ɬ have been shortlisted for this year’s prestigious Quality Improvement Awards. The Quality Improvement Faculty by ɬ Council and NHS Highland has been shortlisted for the Achieving Results at Scale Award, whilst the ɬ GIRFEC/Quality Improvement group is up for the Team Award for its approach to Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC).

19 September 2019

K13 submarine artwork unveiled at Helensburgh Outdoor Museum

A striking new exhibit has been unveiled at Helensburgh’s Outdoor Museum – paying tribute to 32 men who died when the K13 submarine sank in the Gareloch in 1917 and the remarkable rescue of 48 survivors. Members of the West of Scotland branch of the Submariners Association were joined in Colquhoun Square by representatives from ɬ Council and the Royal Navy for the unveiling of the bronze artwork, which includes details on the tragedy and the rescue efforts which saved 48 lives.

19 September 2019

Kilcreggan butcher's pies set Scottish gold standard

Kevin Walker Butchers in Kilcreggan has won two awards at the 2019 Scottish Craft Butchers awards. The butcher, based on Shore Road in Kilcreggan, won the Gold Award for their Traditional Steak Pie, as well as a Silver Award for their Mince Round. More than 280 pies from throughout the country were tested for appearance, flavour, filling and appeal. The panel of judges included experts, food writers and interested consumers and the event is organised by the Scottish Federation of Meat Traders in conjunction with John Scott Meat Ltd and William Sword Ltd.

18 September 2019
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