


Free Training for Businesses

To help increase your online presence, the council has commissioned a series of webinars and one-to-one technical support. Three webinars will take place on the following dates and you can register your interest using the links:

8 April 2021

Lochnell pupils go on a 'school trip' to London

Pupils from Lochnell Primary in Oban didn't let Covid-19 get in the way of their school trip when they went on a virtual train journey to London on the Caledonian Sleeper! On the day, learners met in their usual virtual classroom before being given their code to 'board' the train and explore it on the Caledonian Sleeper website. After some fun games along the way, the youngsters ‘arrived’ at Euston Station where they were split into two groups and a register was taken to make sure no one had been left behind!

1 April 2021

Dervaig wins top reading award

Congratulations to Dervaig Primary School on winning the Children's Writers and Illustrators Group (CWIG) Award for Reading for Pleasure. Children's author, Barbara Henderson, chose Dervaig to receive the prestigious award for the its 'collective enthusiasm for reading and the way the school adapted its approach to each individual child, celebrating their creativity'.

1 April 2021

ÓûÂþɬ Scottish Parliamentary Constituency candidates announced

The candidates standing for election to the ÓûÂþɬ Scottish Parliamentary Constituency have now been confirmed. Voters will be asked to elect one constituency MSP as well as regional/list MSPs in the Scottish Parliament Election on Thursday 6 May 2021. There are four candidates standing for election as ÓûÂþɬ’s constituency MSP: Donald Cameron (Scottish Conservative and Unionist) Jenni Minto (Scottish National Party) Alan Reid (Scottish Liberal Democrats) Lewis Whyte (Scottish Labour Party)

1 April 2021

Schools prepare for pupils’ return after Easter break

The council is putting steps in place to support pupils to return to full time education after the Easter break. National restrictions currently allow for all pupils to return to schools from 19th April. With pupils having been out of school to different extents for a year, the council is putting help in place for anyone who needs support in adjusting to this change.

1 April 2021

Top tips to re-open your business safely

We welcome the re-opening of some non-essential retail services and hairdressers/barbers on 5 April. To help businesses do this safely, our Environmental Health team has five top tips to share. Top Tip 1- Employees and Risk Assessment Talk with your staff and review your risk assessments together:

31 March 2021

New works added to roads reconstruction plan

Plans for how to use the additional £2.61m added to the roads reconstruction programme at last month’s budget have now been completed. The total value of works planned for 2021/22 is £10m, as reported to the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee earlier this month. Members will review the full, updated, programme at the committee’s next meeting in June.

26 March 2021
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