ɬ’s proposed local development plan 2 will go to the Scottish Government for examination, with a caveat that responds to local community concerns.
Local development plans set out potential sites for uses such as business development or housing, or sites to be protected. They also include policies that guide decisions on planning applications.
To develop a plan for ɬ, the council followed statutory planning processes which included several public consultations.
The proposed local development plan (PLDP2) took into account where possible, objections from the public; where it was not possible, objections are listed with the plan, along with the council’s reason against them.
At its meeting today, in line with national planning processes, the Council agreed to put forward the PLDP2, along with these unresolved objections, to the Scottish Government Reporter for examination.
The Council also agreed to include a recommendation to the Scottish Government that housing is removed from the PLDP2 as a potential use for land at Ganavan in reflection of validly made public representations.
Policy Lead for Planning and Regulatory Services, Councillor David Kinniburgh said:
“ɬ’s local development plan 2 plays a key role in creating a successful future for the area, by helping to deliver a prosperous and inclusive economy, safeguarding our environmental assets and planning for the future growth of our communities.
Local people play a big part in working with us to reach the right plan for ɬ, by giving consultation feedback, and we heard the clear strength of feeling on this particular aspect of the proposed plan.
With the PLDP2 now ready for examination by the Scottish Government Reporter, we have reached another important milestone in delivering a local development plan that works for ɬ.”
For more information on the PLDP2, please see /ldp2