


New investment programme to support local regeneration projects

ÓûÂþɬ Council will deliver additional regeneration projects as part of the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP).   The council today, approved an initial first phase of £260,000 to support a range of major improvement projects in the area. The overall PBIP council allocation for 2021/2022 is £821,000. A report highlighting the next phase of funding will be presented at the Policy and Resources Committee in August.  

24 June 2021

Green light for ballot on Isle of Bute BID

ÓûÂþɬ Council has given the go-ahead for a ballot on the proposal to establish a Business Improvement District (BID) on the Isle of Bute. A BID is part of a town, tourism and visitor area in which businesses work together to invest in local improvements to help enhance their communities. BIDs can only exist if they get support from a clear majority of local businesses in a vote.

24 June 2021

Campbeltown Grammar hosts mini Olympic Games

S1 pupils at Campbeltown Grammar School marked the end of their year-old interdisciplinary programme last week when they hosted a mini Olympic games. Interdisciplinary classes combine lessons in different subjects around a common theme. Young people worked with specialist teachers in various subjects over the last 12 months to explore gender stereotypes and produce a script and storyboard for an advert which went against this.

23 June 2021

Have you ever considered becoming a childminder?

ÓûÂþɬ Council is running a campaign to recruit new childminders, particularly for children aged 0 to 3 years in rural areas. Full support is available and the council’s early years team will help guide potential candidates through the whole process, from the initial enquiry, to registering with the Care Inspectorate. Financial assistance is also available for equipment such as pushchairs and stairgates, as well as small home adaptations. Dee and Brian Pennock are a husband and wife duo from Taynuilt, who started childminding in 2008.

22 June 2021

ÓûÂþɬ urged to contain covid-19 outbreak

Information issued by NHS Highland 17 June 2021  Following our communication on the 16 June, there has been a further increase in cases of COVID-19 across ÓûÂþɬ with 32 cases identified since yesterday. Multiple schools have been affected and businesses have had to close.

18 June 2021
Man filling up plane with fuel

Self-service fuel station for aircraft at Oban Airport

Oban Airport is now providing AVGAS fuel via a self-fuel station located at the south side of the Main Apron. The current price is £1.81 per litre, including VAT. Pilots can pay at the external card reader next to the pump. Any updates on the price of fuel will be posted on the Airport’s website, Home - Oban & The Isles Airports (obanandtheislesairports.com), and social media.

16 June 2021
map of rothesay

Flood study for Rothesay

The council has commissioned a flood study for Rothesay to further investigate and understand the flood risks. The study will include a review of the existing flood protection scheme, which will investigate how water seeps and pools behind the seawall. There will also be consultation with Scottish Water about how their local systems operate. We will also be looking at how local properties can withstand flooding incidents. From 21 June, we have commissioned consultants, Aspect, to carry out a topographical survey which will include checking property threshold levels.

15 June 2021

Electoral Arrangements Review - final proposals for ÓûÂþɬ

Boundaries Scotland has submitted its final proposals, for councillor numbers and wards for ÓûÂþɬ, to the Scottish Parliament for agreement. You can read more on its website: 2019 Reviews of Electoral Arrangements | Scottish Boundary Commission (boundaries.scot)      

14 June 2021
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