
Blue bin recycling service to start in Kintyre and Gigha

The new blue bin recycling service for Kintyre and Gigha will start from 4 October.

The new service is designed to make it more convenient for people in Kintyre to recycle. It will be sustainable in the long-term as new government legislation for waste disposal and recycling comes into place.

The new dates for scheduled uplifts are on the council website: Kintyre (argyll-bute.gov.uk).  They can also be downloaded and printed out as calendars.

If you previously received a printed copy of the calendar, you will be sent a new one. If you receive an assisted uplift for your green household waste bin, you will automatically receive an assisted uplift for your new blue bin.

The Scottish Government has set ambitious targets to increase recycling to help combat carbon emissions and tackle climate change. It takes much less energy to make products from old materials than new ones and it’s important we take what steps we can, as individuals, to reduce our carbon footprint.

The materials picked up for recycling in Kintyre go to the Lingerton waste and recycling facility, in Lochgilphead, which is operated by Renewi on behalf of the council. Once there it is bulked up with the rest of the blue bin recycling from Mid Argyll and sent on to a materials recycling facility in Linwood. You can find how the different types of material are sorted and processed on the council website: What happens to your recycling? (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

A very small percentage of properties, mainly tenements, will stay on a bagged service. Residents in these properties will have receive a letter by now. Bags will be delivered to properties quarterly. If you run out, you can collect more from the Burnet Building or Aqualibrium. Alternatively you can call: 01546 605514, or use our online form to request more: 

If you haven’t received your blue bin please call us on 01546 605514 and we’ll arrange to have one delivered to you. 

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