


Bids progress for levelling up funding for ÓûÂþɬ

ÓûÂþɬ Council will submit bids to the UK Government Levelling Up Fund, to bring up to £70 million to ÓûÂþɬ for two major regeneration and transport projects. One bid will be for an area regeneration/heritage town centre project, maximum £20 million, and the other a transport bid, for up to £50 million The regeneration/heritage bid – titled ÓûÂþɬ Western Seaboard Marine Gateways - involves proposals for Rothesay and Dunoon.

17 February 2022

Council confirms funding support for strategic events and festivals

Funding to support events and festivals that will boost economic growth in ÓûÂþɬ has been approved by the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee. Eleven events across culture, sport and the arts will receive support totalling £95,300 from Round 4 of the Council’s Strategic Events and Festivals Fund (SEF). These are:

17 February 2022

Bus improvements timetabled for Oban and Lorn

Improvements to bus services in Oban and Lorn are timetabled for the near future as the result of a successful bid made by a local partnership to the Scottish Government. The ÓûÂþɬ Bus Partnership have tapped into the Bus Partnership Fund to implement bus priority measures designed to make local services quicker, more reliable and more attractive as an alternative to the car.

16 February 2022

Helensburgh’s £2 million makeover

Creating a vibrant community and repairing historic buildings in and around Helensburgh’s Waterfront and attracting further investment to the town are all part of a new £2 million pound heritage-led grant scheme. The Helensburgh Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) 2021-2026 offers funding to help property owners repair buildings and shopfronts within a defined CARS Boundary within Helensburgh Town Centre Conservation Area, which can be found on the council website: 

14 February 2022

Tarbert improvement works

Improved town centre access, a safer cycling and walking route and replacement play equipment, are just some of the works happening in Tarbert throughout February and March.   Tarbert is set to benefit from major regeneration works as part of the Councils ongoing commitment to economic recovery across ÓûÂþɬ.   Work is due to start from 14 February to widen a section of Tawny Trail, a popular walking and cycling path between School Road and Oakfield. The work also includes installing new lighting, drainage and an enlarged culvert on the route.  

11 February 2022

New £770,000 funding puts wheels in motion on active travel

Communities across ÓûÂþɬ are set to benefit from a host of active travel projects following the announcement of new Scottish Government funding.   ÓûÂþɬ Council has received an award of £771,900 from the Places for Everyone programme to deliver ambitious regeneration projects through design stage to construction.   Places for Everyone is a Scottish Government funded infrastructure programme, administered by Sustrans, which aims to create safe, attractive, healthier places by increasing the number of trips made by walking, cycling and wheeling.

10 February 2022

Housing service shortlisted for national awards

ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Housing Services team has had five nominations shortlisted in Shelter’s 2022 Empty Homes Awards. The annual awards celebrate the impactful and transformative work undertaken across Scotland to bring back many of the country’s 43,000 long-term empty homes. ÓûÂþɬ has been shortlisted in the following categories: ·       Best Before and After (Ardbeg Road and Cullipool) ·       Best Old Wreck (Cullipool and The Sheiling)

8 February 2022

Have your say on free period products

Free period products such as tampons, pads and reusable products will soon be more wildly available for anyone in ÓûÂþɬ who needs them. ÓûÂþɬ Council is seeking views on how to make sure everyone who uses period products, or who will use them in the future, can access this service in a way that suits them.

8 February 2022

Pippa's podcast - guide to the council budget

Our schools, pavements, potholes, bins, grass cutting, community regeneration and many more everyday essential activity is affected by the annual Council budget process. In this podcast Chief Executive Pippa Milne and Executive Director Kirsty Flanagan discuss ÓûÂþɬ Council’s budget, how it is funded, limitations on spending decisions, the budget development process and how decisions are made.

8 February 2022

Council to seek views on new ferry terminals proposals

Plans for improved ferry terminals at Kilcreggan and Dunoon have moved a step closer with ÓûÂþɬ Council set to embark on public consultation on proposed designs.   Major upgrades of the existing terminals in both towns will deliver a range of benefits for passengers including improvements to the reliability of the Gourock-Dunoon and Gourock- Kilcreggan services.   The infrastructure improvements will also ensure that both terminals can accommodate larger vessels.  

1 February 2022
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