
Helensburgh’s £2 million makeover

Creating a vibrant community and repairing historic buildings in and around Helensburgh’s Waterfront and attracting further investment to the town are all part of a new £2 million pound heritage-led grant scheme.

The Helensburgh Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) 2021-2026 offers funding to help property owners repair buildings and shopfronts within a defined CARS Boundary within Helensburgh Town Centre Conservation Area, which can be found on the council website: www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/helensburgh-cars

Funded by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and ɬ Council, the scheme has prioritised four priority buildings for major repair. In each case, the property owners will be encouraged to take up the offer of grant and will be responsible for the work. The properties are located in Colquhoun Street, East Clyde Street and West Clyde Street area.

In addition to the priority buildings, property owners can now apply for a Small Repairs Grant. Funding is available for repairs to:

  • roofs
  • chimneys
  • leadwork
  • rainwater goods
  • doors and windows.

For shopfronts within the grant area, funding is also available for the reinstatement of traditional features and shopfront detail.

The project also seeks to enhance local skills by facilitating training on traditional materials and methods of repair, and to host events that celebrate Helensburgh’s heritage.

Councillor Robin Currie, Policy Lead for the Economy and Rural Growth:

“Helensburgh CARS is a welcome boost to regeneration works already happening in the town including the Waterfront Development Project. We have seen first-hand, the positive benefits heritage-led projects bring to towns. Breathing new life into buildings opens up business and employment opportunities, attracting more people to live in and visit the area. ”

A competition to create a logo for Helensburgh CARS recently attracted over 40 entries. Congratulations to Abbey Redding from Lomond School for her winning design. Thanks to everyone who entered including runners up Claudia Chisholm and Luke McCallum.

More information on the Boundary Area, Small Repairs Grant and Shopfront Improvement Grant ison the council website www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/helensburgh-cars

You can also contact the Helensburgh CARS Officer:

Dianne Richardson
01436 657683

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