


New dates for bin collections on Bute

The latest bin collection calendars for Bute, which have the schedules for the next few months, are now available on our website . During the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic, the council is introducing a simplified, two-weekly bin collection where recycling and general waste will be collected at the same time. Please put out your general waste bin on the calendar dates provided below and on our website. This gives each household more collections.

6 April 2020

Chief executive thanks staff

People from across the UK came together last night to show their appreciation to carers and frontline service staff as they ‘Clapped for Carers’. Our Senior Management Team joined the event to show their own appreciation of all council staff who continue to help communities across ÓûÂþɬ.  Pippa Milne, Chief Executive for ÓûÂþɬ Council has sent her own personal thanks to staff. 

3 April 2020

Update on bin collections

We appreciate your co-operation and patience as we make changes to our waste collection services during the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic. This is to make sure that we have enough resources to deliver critical services in a way that meets government guidelines and keeps the public and our staff safe. We are continually monitoring the resources available and will let you know if more become available.

1 April 2020

Council changes its decision-making process in response to COVID-19

ÓûÂþɬ Council has agreed major changes to its decision-making processes as part of its response to COVID-19. Leader of ÓûÂþɬ Council, Councillor Aileen Morton explained: “Our committee system works well when we can plan ahead and deliver a range of meetings focusing on different areas of the council’s work. The COVID-19 pandemic however changes quickly. Our decision-making process has to be flexible enough to deliver decisions rapidly so that we are doing all we can to protect our employees and communities.

31 March 2020

Coronavirus Caring for People Helpline

Caring for People The Caring for People Helpline is available for individuals living in ÓûÂþɬ who are self-isolating/vulnerable and whose usual support network is no longer available. The Helpline is the Local Assistance Centre for those who have been asked to stay at home for at least 12 weeks. You can also contact the helpline for business, education and financial advice. By contacting the helpline, our Caring for People team can provide the right assistance, working with organisations and volunteers in our communities.  

27 March 2020

Help for young people who feel unsafe

For most young people, being at home is the safest place to be during this coronavirus outbreak but we know this might not be the case for everyone. If you feel worried, upset or unsafe, either for yourself or someone else during school closures, the following people and organisations can help:

27 March 2020

Extra funding for seafood fishing industry

ÓûÂþɬ Council has welcomed the announcement from Scottish Government today (26 March) of a £5M package of support for the seafood fishing industry. Funding will be offered to over 650 seafood fishing companies across Scotland to help them through the coronavirus outbreak. Councillor Aileen Morton said:

26 March 2020

Changes to bins, roads and amenity services - UPDATE 26/3/20

During the current coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak, circumstances change regularly. We will post updates on our coronavirus web page: /coronavirus-help-and-advice . Keeping people safe from the spread of coronavirus means making changes to how we work. We must concentrate on the services that will help to keep people safe, and that the council must deliver by law.

25 March 2020

Key worker childcare facilities in place

A number of childcare facilities will open in ÓûÂþɬ tomorrow (Thursday) for children of key workers in the area. Eligible parents, who indicated a need for this service, have been informed of the individual arrangements that have been out in place for their children.  ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “It is vital that we do everything we can to ensure that key workers can continue to do their job without worrying about the wellbeing of their children during this time.

25 March 2020

Council buildings are now closed to the public

To help stop the spread of coronavirus, and in line with Government advice, council offices are now closed to members of the public. Look out for updates about our services on our website - - and social media channels (Facebook and Twitter). If you have any urgent enquiries, you can call 01546 605522. Please only call this line if your enquiry is urgent. Thank you.

24 March 2020
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