
Community Spirit in ɬ

Community spirit in ɬ

We love hearing from our residents about the efforts made by those in the community who are doing their best in light of the circumstances brought on by COVID-19.

We are sharing with you an example of dedications we have received and we want to take this opportunity to recognise and thank you for all your hard work:

  • My partner Patricia, is now out of work, because of the covid pandemic. So she as more time on her hands, than usual. She has decided to help the community, by doing litter picking, around the Whistlefield and Garelochhead areas. She is out most days and does about four miles a day, along the roadside. 
  • Thank you to Bill and May Currie at Glenbarr Stores, who are delivering meals to the elderly and isolating in Carradale and around Kintyre.
  • I am so thankful for all the volunteers and everyone who worked and still work hard to deliver food parcels to the doors of vulnerable people, like ourselves, who are shielding. Without their help, we wouldn’t stay safe and reassured during these hard times.
  • I would like to thank all of the Mid Argyll Transport Volunteers drivers for their continued support and efficient service collecting shopping, prescriptions and the wee chats to the people who are in need in and around the Mid Argyll area.  Nothing is a bother for them a credit to themselves as well as the charity. Thanks again!
  • Thanks to all at the Community Kitchen. You are doing a great job and much appreciated. Thank you.
  • Thanks to all Co-op and Morrison staff for continued grocery deliveries. Special thanks to the Befrienders Dunoon for Prescription help.
  • I am sure I am not the only one who is eternally grateful to the Co-Op in Campbeltown for adapting their systems to cater for remote ordering, payment and delivery of essentials to elderly folks like my wife and I, both non-drivers, with limited public transport, who would otherwise have been in a precarious position.
  • I have been impressed with the positive attitude of the personnel in our supermarkets who have continued working throughout this difficult period.  They have been cheerful, patient, polite, courteous and always helpful.  My personal “gold star” would go to the staff of the Co-op in Sinclair Street who have been superb and their manager should be congratulated for leading such a good team.
  • I would like to take this platform to thank the nurses and staff of the Mid Argyll Hospital for their unflinching dedication to duty in these unprecedented times. I am married to a nurse and I know how difficult it has been for them keeping those under their care well in the mental health unit so bravo to all of them the true heroes.
  • I am in lockdown in a small area where most of us are over 70. I have various health conditions which make me vulnerable to this modern plague. Your wonderful volunteers are delivering my prescriptions the day I phone to ask. I cannot express the relief it gives me to know that I can count on you.
  • Thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my personal thanks and gratitude to the many unselfish NHS workers, volunteers, carers, business workers keeping us stocked with supplies, all who are working under extreme conditions to try and help save lives while we stay home and try to reduce contamination. I know this is very important, but seems trivial to what these people must feel they have to do on a daily basis risking their lives.
  • I am a 76 years old single person, reasonably healthy apart from about half a dozen irritating conditions which need medication. I can do most things for myself but wouldn't really be able to manage as well just now without my neighbour doing my shopping and really just' being there'. So when we talk of 'volunteers' let's include all those who are adding extra responsibilities on themselves to help neighbours like me. Thank you Beverley and all other 'good neighbours.’
  • Kilchrenan is very fortunate to have four people who are putting so much time and energy into the welfare of this community. Together they have set up a 'trading post' with a twice weekly order and delivery service, and a weekly prescription collection service from Taynuilt surgery (a round trip of 14 miles). They are Pam and Chris and Pip and Phil. As two people who are immensely grateful to them we ask that they are sincerely thanked now and not forgotten when this crisis is ended.
  • I would like to pay a tribute to family run Dervaig stores who have kept open and taking orders by phone and email delivering these orders to Salen and Craignure after shop closes. Thank you so much.

If you have any examples of community spirit in your area, we would love to hear from you. Send them to us at: press@argyll-bute.gov.uk

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