

Apply for licenses and permits

You can find a list of our charges for council services, including charges for licenses and permits, on our council fees and charges page. 

Here are the charges for our Civic Government Licences.

Please use this form if you wish to make any changes to your civic government licence.

If you are not applying online, payments can be made by telephone; BACS or cheque (made payable to ÓûÂþɬ Council). Please contact the Licensing Office on 01546 604355 or email licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk

For further information regarding any Licensing issues please contact the Council's Licensing Department on 01546 604355 or email: licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Private Landlord Registration

If you are a private landlord letting residential property in Scotland, you are required to register with the Local Authority where the let houses are located unless all the houses you let are covered by one or more of the exemptions. The local authority must be satisfied that you are a fit and proper person to let property before they register you.

Public Procession Licence

Any moving event held in a public place anywhere in Scotland can be considered a parade or a procession. This can include races, fun runs and sponsored walks; processions; gala day parades and street parties; demonstrations and protests; displays and promotions. Anyone who organises a public parade, procession, or event in which a body of people moves will need to submit a notice of proposal to the council.

Public Weighbridge Operator

If you wish to operate a public weighbridge, you will be required to sit and pass a written and practical test, administered by your local Trading Standards Officer

Rabbit breeding

Any person breeding 6 or more litters of kits in any 12 month period must be licensed. The requirement to be licensed applies whether the breeder sells or otherwise supplies a kit to be kept as a pet to another person. The requirement to be licensed as a rabbit breeder does not apply where a person is breeding rabbits for the purposes of personal consumption or in the course of commercial meat production.

Riding establishment licence

To run a riding establishment (where horses or ponies are hired out for riding or used for riding instruction) in England, Scotland or Wales, you need a licence from the local authority.

Road Opening Permit

A Road Opening Permit is required as per section 109 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, for anyone other than an Undertaker, (e.g. Scottish Gas, Scottish Water or BT), who requires to open up the public road or verge to carry out works, (e.g. footway and kerb work for driveway and road connections for housing developments).

Scaffolding Permit

If you need to erect scaffolding over the road or footway - you must complete and read the necessary application forms.

Selling animals as pets

Any person or organisation selling animals as pets (or with the expectation of their being later resold as pets) in the course of a business including keeping animals in the course of a business with a view to their being so sold or resold.

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