

Apply for licenses and permits

You can find a list of our charges for council services, including charges for licenses and permits, on our council fees and charges page. 

Here are the charges for our Civic Government Licences.

Please use this form if you wish to make any changes to your civic government licence.

If you are not applying online, payments can be made by telephone; BACS or cheque (made payable to ÓûÂþɬ Council). Please contact the Licensing Office on 01546 604355 or email licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk

For further information regarding any Licensing issues please contact the Council's Licensing Department on 01546 604355 or email: licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Cinema licence

If you want to make use of premises for exhibition of films to members of the public, you will need a cinema licence. This includes any exhibition of moving pictures and would include screening of recorded films, performances or others.

Cooling Tower Registration

Any person operating premises which have a cooling tower or evaporative condenser located on site must register with the local authority. This is a statutory duty under the The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations 1992 Licence Conditions

Dog Breeding

Any person breeding 3 or more litters of puppies in any 12 month period must be licensed. The requirement to be licensed applies whether the breeder sells or otherwise supplies a puppy as a pet to another person. The requirement to be licensed does not apply however to the breeding of dogs where the offspring are intended to be trained and used as assistance dogs.

Extended Hours Licence

The grant of an extended hours licence to licensed premises will enable them to extend the core hours of the premises in connection with –

Feed Hygiene Registration

To ensure that the quality of animal feed is maintained by using appropriate storage and transport arrangements. The Feed (Hygiene and Enforcement) (Scotland) Regulations 2005 require feed businesses to register with Food Standards Scotland.

Fireworks Display late at Night

If you are planning a private firework display which will take place between the hours of 11pm and 7am you will need to get consent. You still require to apply if the firework display is being held on the night of Chinese New Year, 5th November, Diwali or the 31st December but be aware that amended time restrictions apply on these days.

Food Premises Approval

If you intend to manufacture, process, produce or handle products of animal origin such as fish or fish products, shellfish, meat products, minced meat and meat preparations, dairy products or egg products from your premises and supply these products to other establishments your operations may require to be "approved". The activities carried out in these types of premises are more strictly governed and require a higher standard of structure and operating procedures.

Food Premises Registration

If you operate a food business in ÓûÂþɬ, have recently taken over an existing business or wish to start a new business, it is a legal requirement for you to register with the Environmental Health Service at least 28 days before you intend to open. This registration is free of charge and can be done by completing a food premises registration application form.

Gaming Machine Permits

To make gaming machines available on your premises you need to apply to the local authority for one of the licences below.

House in Multiple Occupation Licence

To have multiple occupants in a house in Scotland, you need a licence from the local authority. If you rent a house to multiple occupants in Scotland you will need a licence from your local authority if the property has three or more unrelated occupants and it is their main residence. This applies whether or not the landlord lives at the property.

Hypnotism Licence

Exhibitions, demonstration or performance of hypnotism which take place in public require to be authorised by the Local Authority.

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