


Countdown to ÓûÂþɬ Education Climate Summit

There are just a few days left until ÓûÂþɬ Council hosts its first ever Education Climate Summit. This online event will take place on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 October, and will give people the chance to find out some of the innovative ways that schools, businesses and voluntary organisations in the area are tackling climate change. A wide selection of guest speakers have signed up to deliver presentations on a diverse, interesting range of topics. For example:

25 October 2021

What's love got to do with it?

ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Early Years Team is gearing up to host its annual Early Years Conference next month.   This year’s conference will take place on a virtual platform, from Tuesday 16 until Friday 19 November, and is an opportunity for early years professionals to come together to hear from national and international speakers, share examples of best practice, and explore ideas.  

19 October 2021

Green Flag Award for Hermitage Park

Hermitage Park in Helensburgh has again, been recognised as one of the best parks and greenspaces in Scotland. Keep Scotland Beautiful has awarded the Park Green Flag status, for the second consecutive year. The Green Flag Award is the benchmark for excellence in green spaces and recognises the hard work of managers, staff and volunteers who help ensure that outdoor areas provide the public with a safe, clean and inspiring local environment.

19 October 2021
Hand sanitizer

Funding supports recovery for community projects

Dozens of community groups and projects are to receive support from ÓûÂþɬ Council to help their recovery from Covid 19 restrictions. Voluntary groups, charities, social enterprises, village halls and other community venues across the region will receive grants of up to £500 from the Covid 19 Micro Grants Fund to help them bounce back from the impact of the pandemic.

18 October 2021
Council invests in events and festivals

New Strategic Events and Festivals Funding Round Opens

Round four of ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Strategic Events and Festivals Fund opens for applications at midday on 22 October 2021.  The fund is open to events and festivals which will take place between April 2022 and March 2023 and are of strategic importance to the area. The opening of round four of the fund comes as event and festival organisers and other tourism organisations across ÓûÂþɬ continue the process of recovery from the impact of the pandemic.

18 October 2021

Focus on housing to tackle population decline

Housing in ÓûÂþɬ will be a key focus of ‘repopulation zone’ actions planned by the council to reverse the area’s population decline. The national repopulation zone approach sees pilot areas taking steps to address their own particular challenges, and their experiences then being used to develop effective repopulation initiatives elsewhere. At its Policy and Resources Committee meeting today, the council agreed these areas as pilot zones for research into issues affecting local population levels: •          Rosneath Peninsula – Helensburgh and Lomond

15 October 2021

Additional £98,000 to support local businesses

The council is providing an additional £98,000 to support local businesses who applied to and qualified for its Business Hardship Fund. The council set up the Hardship Fund with £500,000+ of Scottish Government funding, to help businesses affected by the covid pandemic. It allocated this funding in full, on a first come, first served basis, to 102 local businesses. Councillors agreed today to provide £98,000 of council funding to support the additional 27 businesses who qualified for support, but applied after the Hardship Fund had been paid out.

14 October 2021

Dunoon Grammar wows worldwide audience

From Brazil to the Ukraine; Japan to India, educators from all corners of the globe tuned into Dunoon Grammar’s live World Education Week showcase, where young people from the school delivered an innovative, informative and inspiring showcase exploring the school’s pioneering approaches to community learning during the Covid pandemic.

6 October 2021

Give your views on flood risk management plans

There are just a few weeks left for residents in ÓûÂþɬ to give their views in a national consultation to help shape how we protect homes and businesses in Scotland from the risk of flooding. There are currently 284,000 homes, businesses, and services at flood risk in Scotland and climate change is projected to increase this number by an estimated 110,000 by the 2080s. SEPA launched the joint consultation with local authorities, to help shape the direction and delivery of flood risk management across the country.

4 October 2021
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