


Argyll Square, Oban traffic lights

Please be patient and allow extra time for your journey – is the advice from ÓûÂþɬ Council to road users in Oban Town Centre, due to a sequencing issue at the pedestrian crossing.

30 May 2023

Argyll Square, Oban traffic lights

Please be patient and allow extra time for your journey – is the advice from ÓûÂþɬ Council to road users in Oban Town Centre, due to a sequencing issue at the pedestrian crossing.

30 May 2023

New parking charges from 1 June 2023

To encourage responsible parking and improve general road safety, the Scottish Government has increased national Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) for the first time in twenty-two years.

23 May 2023
Pupils from Small Isles Primary.

Putting children's rights first at Small Isles Primary

Small Isles Primary on the Isle of Jura has been working hard to promote children’s rights and their efforts have paid off, having just received a prestigious Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award from UNICEF.

23 May 2023
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