


Primary one registration

Children who turn five between 1 March 2020 and 28 February 2021 should be registered for primary school during the week beginning Monday 13 January 2020. Parents should take their children to their local primary school to register during that week, between 10am and 3pm. Further information, including how to make a placing request and how to request early entry to primary school, can be found on the council website:

3 January 2020
Graphic shows multi-coloured figures in a circle

Funding boost for local coastline projects

Local coastline initiatives will share £1.158 million funding allocated to ɬ from the Scottish Government’s Crown Estates Fund. At the Council's Policy and Resources Committee, councillors agreed that the funding should support projects across ɬ: ·         Tobermory railings and flood prevention scheme - £145,000  ·         Rothesay pontoons improvement - £151,000  ·         Helensburgh flood mitigation - £300,000 ·         Campbeltown flood defences - £270,000

23 December 2019

A Christmas message from Provost Len Scoullar

“The festive season is with us once again, that special time of peace, love and celebration. “For many people, this can be a difficult time. My thoughts and wishes are with them. I know that there are many, many people in our communities, throughout ɬ, who will do all they can to provide comfort and hope amid the festivities. I thank them for all their work, at this time and throughout the year.

23 December 2019

Mission to Mars

More girls than boys in Cowal would like to pursue a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) when they leave school, according to a survey carried out during an exciting and innovative event at Dunoon Grammar last week. Primary five pupils from schools across the peninsula went along to Dunoon Grammar for “Mission to Mars” – a STEM event organised by the Digital Learning Team and supported by the school and Science Grrl Glasgow.

20 December 2019

Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare hours on track

Moves to expand Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) and implement 1140 hours of funded ELC in ɬ by August 2020 are on schedule, ɬ Council’s Community Services Committee has confirmed. The expansion in childcare, from 600 hours to 1140 hours, is part of a Scottish Government initiative aimed at providing young people with a high quality experience that can make a significant contribution to their development, and help close the poverty related attainment gap.

19 December 2019

Rural Resettlement Fund delivers boost for local economy

ɬ Council has welcomed the success of a £500,000 fund in attracting new residents and jobs to the area. At the meeting this week of the Policy and Resources Committee, councillors reviewed a report on the economic impact of the Rural Resettlement Fund which showed that 193 new residents, including 56 children, relocated to ɬ thanks to Fund support.  Of that number, 18 people with families relocated to take up a job on one of our islands, resulting in 53 new inhabitants in these communities across ɬ.

19 December 2019

News round-up – 13 December 2019

Welcome to ɬ Council’s weekly news round-up. Thank you for reading it. If you have ideas on how we could make it more useful for you, we’d love to hear them. Please let us know by emailing press@argyll-bute.gov.uk Support extended for care experienced children and young people ɬ Council has reaffirmed its commitment to improving the educational attainment and life chances of care experienced children and young people.

18 December 2019

Caring kids bake up kindness in Clachan

Caring pupils at Clachan Primary School have been hard at work over the last few months, preparing 48 Christmas cakes to give to retired residents in the local community. The annual school tradition dates back more than two decades and sees the children bake, package and hand-deliver the cakes to elderly people in the village.

18 December 2019

Future cemetery needs under review

Planning to ensure that the council-run cemeteries can meet the needs of communities in the future is already underway. The Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee agreed on Thursday that local residents should be asked about their personal choices and for their views ideas for ways forward, during 2020, so that a new set of cemetery policies can be proposed. According to statute, local authorities are only required to provide one cemetery per area. ɬ had 65 cemeteries available for the purchase of lairs.

16 December 2019

Campbeltown Flood Prevention Scheme takes another step forward

A council contribution of £270,000 capital funding towards a flood protection scheme for Campbeltown will go forward to be considered as part of the budget process in the 2020/21 financial year. This was agreed by the council’s Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee on Thursday 5 December, which also approved the preliminary confirmation of the Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme (CFPS).

16 December 2019
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