“We remain committed to securing long term economic success for ɬ and delivering significant benefits for our communities.” – Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of ɬ Council
Children in ɬ who were born between 1 March 2020 and 28 February 2021, can be registered for a funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) place the week beginning Monday 23 January 2023.
Councils’ financial situation has been described as ‘increasingly fragile’, as ɬ Council prepares to balance its budget in ‘the most difficult budget setting context seen for many years.’
Did you know that ɬ Council’s website not only contains lots of useful information for residents, businesses and visitors; it also offers a huge range of online services that make connecting with the council quick and convenient.
Are you setting yourself a New Year’s resolution? If you change just one thing in 2023, why not pledge to reuse or recycle and help create a climate friendly ɬ.
Local jobs, community facilities, new businesses, homes, public spaces and flood defences are just some of the benefits from over a decade of investment and regeneration to Helensburgh and the surrounding area.
A financial boost of £842,00 to the Oban business community and an increase in customers and visitors are just some of the benefits resulting from the Oban Business Improvement District (BID) extending to another five years.