Funding and Support
Funding - find out about council funding initiatives and popular funding streams, including lottery funding, funding for businesses, arts, science and technology, funding for sport, the National Lottery Fund, and .
- find information and resources to help with compiling your funding application, and get links to organisations that offer support in taking your project ideas forward
Council funded programmes
This section contains a list of Council funding. Please click on the links for more details.
- Community Led Local Development Fund open now - grants between £10k and £75k Deadline Friday 28 June 2024
- Strategic Events and Festivals Fund applications closed at midday 20th November 2023 Round 6 now closed
- Supporting Communities Fund for more information contact Community Development Team New round 2024/25 now closed
- Early Years Grant 2024-25 Funding is now open for voluntary groups & not for profit organisations who support and have a positive impact on families with children 0 – 3 years or school age Deadline 14 February 2024 email for an application
- for more information contact your local Customer Service Point
- Council Tax for more information contact your local Customer Service Point
- Scottish Welfare Fund for more information contact your local Customer Service Point
- Childcare Grants for more information contact your local
- Childcare, School and Education Grants for more information contact
- including and click on the link for more details or for information of who to contact in your local area, contact your local Customer Service Point
- Home Energy Efficiency grants to install energy efficiency measures in your home.
- ÓûÂþɬ Flexible Food and Fuel Fund The Fund offers financial support and wider confidential professional help to anyone suffering hardship. The Fund will help support daily living expenses
- Empty Homes Grants funding to support bringing empty properties in ÓûÂþɬ back into use, please contact ourEmpty Homes Officer
- Private Water Supply Improvement Grant funding to help you improve your private water supply, please contact your local Customer Service Point or
- Business Rates for support under the SBSS (Small Business Support Scheme) for more help or support contact 01586 555249/555220 or email
- Business Gateway offer grants, specialist advice and workshops to help businesses across ÓûÂþɬ, for support contact Business Gateway team call 01546 604555 or email
- Financial Support and Grants for Businesses
- Common Good Funds ÓûÂþɬ Council is responsible for the administration of 4 active Common Good Funds and the Kintyre Youth Fund, which provides grants for youth projects in the Kintyre area, and a number of Bequest Funds.
Lottery funding
Awards for All is a Lottery grants programme aimed at local communities.
- Range of grant size - You can apply for between £300 and £10,000 depending on the country.
- Types of scheme - Awards for All is an open scheme aimed at voluntary and community organisations, schools, parish or town councils, and health bodies.
- Geographical coverage - It covers the United Kingdom although each country offers a slightly different scheme.
- The Community Fund is committed to improving communities and the lives of people most in need. Community Fund is an outcomes funder, meaning that their focus is on the difference their funding makes, rather than on the organisations that receive the funding. They can make grants to organisations in the public and private sectors, and the third sector. However, they recognise the vital role that the third sector has in helping achieve those outcomes and 92% of their funding supports this sector.
- The Heritage Lottery Fund uses money from the National Lottery to give grants for a wide range of projects involving the local, regional and national heritage of the United Kingdom.
Type of work funded - HLF has three aims which relate to learning, conservation and participation. Through our grant making they aim to:
- conserve the UK’s diverse heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy;
- help more people, and a wider range of people, to take an active part in and make decisions about their heritage;
- help people to learn about their own and other people’s heritage.
Range of grant size - The Heritage Lottery Fund has a range of programmes designed for heritage projects of different types and sizes. They offer grants from £3,000 to multi-million-pound awards.
Types of scheme - Heritage Lottery Fund offers a combination of general grants programmes, together with initiatives targeted at particular areas of heritage or themes.
Geographical coverage - They award grants throughout the UK (except the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man). They have 11 offices throughout the UK including offices in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
- NESTA (the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) investing in innovators and working to improve the climate for creativity in the UK.
Range of funding - NESTA is not a mainstream funding provider, but works in partnership with other organisations to test innovative responses to specific economic and social challenges. NESTA also invests in early-stage, high-technology UK companies.
- Creative Scotland is the national leader for Scotland’s arts, screen and creative industries. Their job is to help Scotland’s creativity shine at home and abroad.
Geographical coverage - All of Scotland
Any priority areas / key messages - In 2003 Creative Scotland (formally the Scottish Arts Council) conducted a public consultation on its strategy for lottery-funded arts and the results were subsequently incorporated into their Corporate Plan. They have adopted four key priorities for their lottery strategy 2004 - 2009:
- making the arts available to those who have had few or no opportunities to appreciate them
- increasing the numbers and broadening the range of people enjoying and taking part in the arts
- increasing arts activity for and by children and young people
- making sure there is a fair geographic spread of buildings, facilities and activities across Scotland.
- sportscotland is the national sport agency for Scotland. Working with partners their responsibility is to develop sport and physical recreational activity in Scotland.
has a range of programmes in its portfolio.
The Lottery publish insights to groups who have received funding
They also host an applying for funding Tips page
New programmes will be launching throughout the year, keep up to date with Funding Alert.