ÓûÂþɬ Council Family Placement Team
Contact: FPDuty@argyll-Bute.gov.uk
Offering support, information and advice, recruitment opportunities and post adoption support to all residents of ÓûÂþɬ involved in fostering and/or adoption.
Supporting agencies and professionals who work with children and young people.
Alliance of Fostering and Adoption
Phone: 0131 322 8490
Scotlands Adoption Register.
Stand up for Siblings
Give more information about the needs of siblings in care
21 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DN
Phone: 0131 225 6441
Email: mail@birthlink.org.uk
Scotland’s Adoption Support Service (SASS)
Barnardo's Scotland Adoption Support Service
Building 10000, Academy Park, Gower Street, Glasgow G51 1PR
Email sass@barnardos.org.uk
Telephone: 0141 419-4796
St Margaret's Catholic Adoption Agency
Bath Street, Glasgow
Phone: 0131 332 8371
Email: info@stmargaret'sadoption.org.uk
Adoption U.K.
Phone 0131 322 8500
Email admin@adoptionuk.org.uk
Building 10000, Academy Park, Gower Street, Glasgow G51 1PR
Phone: 0141 419 4700
Fostering Network
Ingram House, 2nd floor, 227 Ingram Street, Glasgow G1 1DA
Phone: 0141 204 1400
Email: info@fostering.net
Scottish Adoption
161 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7AD
Phone: 0131 553 5060
Email: info@scottishadoption.org
Things to Try
Things to try is a collection of resources to help support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, put together by Fife CAMHS. Some are aimed at children and young people, some are more for parents and carers, and some are designed for professionals who work with children and young people. Have a look, try some out, and see if there’s something that helps you.