- If your request is urgent and during normal working hours, call us on 01546 605517.
- If your request is urgent and outwith normal working hours, or on a public holiday, call the social work emergency line on 01631 566 491 or 01631 569712.
- Use our to tell us about any adult or child whose welfare you believe to be at risk
- If you think it is an emergency situation, you can call the police on 999
What to do if you are worried about someone
It is everyone’s business to help protect people who may be at risk. If you know someone who you believe is being harmed please tell us so that we can help them to protect themselves.
If you believe that someone is in urgent need of help to keep them safe please contact the Police on 999.
If you want to report harm you think, or know, is happening to someone, you can contact us on 01546 605517
Everyone has a right to a life free from fear
Every individual has a right to a life free from fear, to be treated with dignity and respect and not be forced to do anything against their will. However some adults may be particularly vulnerable to harm because of illness, disability or frailty.
Most adults with a mental or physical illness, learning disability, or other disability live their lives comfortably, safely and independently. They are able to protect themselves and safeguard their own interests. Others live their lives with the assistance of caring relatives, friends, paid carers, or volunteers.
Unfortunately some people will experience harm such as physical abuse, psychological harm or exploitation of their finances or property because they are unable to protect themselves.
If you are being harmed or if you are worried that someone you know is being harmed or neglected please tell someone. The different services that exist to support and protect people can only act when they know that someone may be at risk.
- Information for adults at risk of harm
- Information for adults with learning disabilities
- Information for adults involved in an Adult Protection Investigation
- Adult support and protection information for carers
- Information to help you protect yourself from harm if you have chosen to employ someone to provide your care and support
Other information
If you would like more information about the legislation surrounding adult protection, please read our page about the The Adult Support and Protection Act
West of Scotland Practice Guidance
Joint guidance on the interface between child protection and adult protection - Adult Protection Committee guidance (October 14)
Find out more at
Future Pathway Fund Scotlands In-Care Survivor Support Fund
Scottish Child Abuse Enquiry (SCAI) information can be found here
Adult Protection training
Argyll & Bute’s Adult Protection Committee aim to provide a high quality multi-agency training programme to ensure that staff from all agencies have the knowledge and skills to identify, support and protect adults at risk of harm.
We provide two regular training sessions for staff from any agency who work with the public.
- An Introduction to Adult Support and Protection(ASP) - half-day (3 hour) session aimed at staff from any organisation who work with the public and who may come across an adult at risk of harm.
- The Adult Support and Protection Act in Practice - full day session aimed at professional staff who deal with referrals, manage cases or provide ongoing care and support to vulnerable adults who may be at risk of harm.
These courses are free to those who attend.
Tell us your views
ÓûÂþɬ HSCP want to ensure that Unpaid Carers are supported through the Adult Support and Protection Process. If you have supported an adult who has been subject to Adult Support and Protection , because they were at risk of harm, we would really value your views.
Please complete the survey below to give your views to the ÓûÂþɬ Health and Social Care partnership. Please note that your answers are completely anonymous.
Have you been involved in a case conference as part of the adult support and protection act. If so would you like to leave some feedback about this?
Please complete the survey below to give your views to the ÓûÂþɬ Health and Social Care partnership. Please note that your answers are completely anonymous.